TOWN BORDERS - MONOMAD - B&W photography from Montalbán, Carabobo, Venezuela || ENG-ESP || (10 Pics)
Hello monochromatic #Hive friends!... The town borders are the threshold where urban, rural and nature come together to generate an exquisite mix of scenes and things to photograph... Today I wanted to share with you some of my photos taken precisely in that environment, where the paved roads are surrounded by grass or forest, where is easy to find country people going to do their woks, look at animals and even walk along a narrow path that surprisingly takes us to a place with houses or even back to the village... This is an interesting and complex space, where the village blends in with the countryside in a charming way... Come with me then to look at these photos taken there!...
¡Hola amigos monocromáticos de #Hive!... Los bordes del pueblo son el umbral en donde lo urbano, lo rural y la naturaleza se unen para generar una exquisita mezcla de escenas y coas para fotografiar. Hoy he querido compartir con ustedes algunas de mis fotos hechas precisamente en ese entorno, en donde las carreteras pavimentadas están rodeadas de pasto o bosque, en donde es fácil encontrar gente del campo yendo a hacer sus labores, mirar animales e incluso caminar a lo largo de alguna vereda angosta que sorpresivamente nos lleva a algún lugar con casas o incluso de nuevo al pueblo... Este es un espacio interesante y complejo, en donde el poblado se confunde con el campo de manera encantadora... ¡Ven conmigo entonces a mirar estas fotos hechas allí!...
📷 01 "Man going to work" / "Hombre yendo al trabajo"
300mm - 1/640s - ISO 250 - F5.6
📷 02 "Ricardo" / "Ricardo"
155mm - 1/2500s - ISO 400 - F5.6
📷 03 "Traces of ignorance" / "Rastro de ignorancia"
50mm - 1/640s - ISO 500 - F2.5
📷 04 "Always Alfredo's Bar" / "Siempre el Bar de Alfredo"
55mm - 1/1600s - ISO 400 - F4.5
📷 05 "Roadside" / "Orilla de carretera"
185mm - 1/1600s - ISO 320 - F5.0
📷 06 "Leaving the town behind" / "Dejando el pueblo atrás"
300mm - 1/320s - ISO 400 - F5.6
The scenes follow one after the other and, just like in street photography, you need a high attention degree and good reflexes to not miss any interesting pictures... It's funny, but I've been around these places since I was a kid and I can assure you that they haven't changed significantly... Just a couple of new structures on the rooks, a wall here or there, a bit more asphalt on a stretch of the road that was once dirt, but in essence, this is still the same as it was 50 years ago... In fact, due to the economic crisis of the last few decades, old farms that were once productive are now often empty. This then contributes to the fact that even more silence can be experienced than years ago...
Las escenas se suceden una detrás de otra y, al igual que en la fotografía callejera, es necesario un alto grado de atención y buenos reflejos para no perderse fotos interesantes... Es curioso, pero he recorrido estos lugares desde que era un niño y puedo asegurar que no han cambiado de manera significativa... Apenas un par de estructuras nuevas en las grajas, una pared aquí o allá, un poco más de asfalto en algún tramo del camino que era antes de tierra, pero en esencia, esto sigue siendo como era 50 años atrás... Incluso, debido a la crisis económica de las ultimas décadas, antiguas haciendas que antes eran productivas, hoy se encuentran baldías en muchos casos. Esto entonces contribuye a que se pueda experimentar incluso más silencio que años atrás...
📷 07 "Sugar cane Juice 1$ per Litre" / "Jugo de Caña 1$ el Litro"
300mm - 1/320s - ISO 400 - F5.6
📷 08 "Path in the pasture" / "Sendero en el pastizal"
300mm - 1/400s - ISO 400 - F5.6
📷 09 "Lapwing" / "Avefría"
300mm - 1/2500s - ISO 400 - F5.6
📷 10 "Tiny landscape on cut trunk" / "Micro paisaje en tronco cortado"
300mm - 1/320s - ISO 400 - F5.6
This post is my entry to today's #monomad challenge!... Thank you very much for your visit and appreciation!
¡Esta publicación es mi entrada al reto #monomad de hoy!... ¡Muchas gracias por pasar y apreciar!
ADDITIONAL TECHNICAL NOTE: Photographs captured with my Nikon D7000 DSLR camera in RAW format, then processed in Adobe Camera RAW for adjustments regarding light, sharpening, contrast and depth... They were then exported to JGP format on which minor modifications such as straightening and adding watermarks were carried out using PhotoScape 3.6.3.
NOTA TÉCNICA ADICIONAL: Fotografias capturadas con mi cámara DSLR Nikon D7000 en formato RAW, procesadas posteriormente en Adobe Camera RAW para ajustes relativos a luz, afilado, contraste y profundidad... Luego fueron exportadas a formato JGP sobre el cual se llevaron a cabo modificaciones menores como enderezado y agregado de marcas de agua usando PhotoScape 3.6.3.
"We make photographs to understand what our lives mean to ourselves." - Ralph Hattersley.
"Hacemos fotografías para comprender lo que nuestras vidas significan para nosotros mismos." - Ralph Hattersley.
Lens: Sigma 18-200mm f3.5-6.3 II DC OS HSM
Lens: Tokina ATX-PRO 100mm f/2.8 d MACRO
Lens: AF-S DX NIKKOR 55-300mm f/4.5-5.6G ED VR
Lens: AF-S DX NIKKOR 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6G VR
Lens: Nikon AF Nikkor 50 mm f/1.8d FX
Lens:AF-S DX NIKKOR 35mm f/1.8G
Lente: Sigma 18-200mm f3.5-6.3 II DC OS HSM
Lente: Tokina ATX-PRO 100mm f/2.8 d MACRO
Lente: AF-S DX NIKKOR 55-300mm f/4.5-5.6G ED VR
Lente: AF-S DX NIKKOR 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6G VR
Lente: Nikon AF Nikkor 50 mm f/1.8d FX
Lente: AF-S DX NIKKOR 35mm f/1.8G
My favorite photo is of an old man cycling, Thank you friend for sharing ❤️
Thanks a lot @bananaklatbarat friend!!! ;)
Have a great week!
You're welcome brothers @jlinaresp
Saludos @jlinaresp, me gustó mucho la foto del abuelo en la bicicleta.
Muy buenas todas.
Feliz fin de semana.
Es una foto dinámica y casi hecha por instinto!... Me encanta que te guste amigo @osomar357!... Gracias por visitar y feliz semana!
¿El litro de jugo de caña en $1? 😳 Que barato! 🥳 Pa'llá voy a comprar 🥤😋😋😋😋.
Me encantó la foto del ave, hermosa 😍.
Feliz fin de semana, saludos 😺🍄
:)) Lo vende un señor en su misma casa en el campo, uno mismo ve el "choco-chocho" como lo usan para sacar el jugo y todo!... Hay que ir y llevar la botella y uno sale con el jugo súper fresco, el único inconveniente: "El señor habla, habla y habla y habla y no para de hablar"... hahahah :)) ¡Tanto que casi nadie va a compra jugo allí por temor a perder el día!... ¡A veces está en el cañizal hablando solo a voz en cuello imagínate!... ¡Otro caso más para estudiar! :))
Mil gracias por pasar, apreciar y apoyar @gatubela!... Saludos y bendiciones por allá, feliz semana!
Ay Dios mío jajaja, con razón lo vende barato jajaja, lo que en realidad quiere es gente que lo escuche vale, pobrecito 🤷🏻♀️, si hasta habla sólo, bueno, yo también lo hago jajaja, así que eso no es tan grave 🤫🤭. Puedo entenderte porque tengo una vecina que es así, cuando te agarra conversación te envuelve de una manera que no ves el momento de poder escabullirte 🥴😬 jajaja 🤦🏻♀️.
Creo que ese señor sería un protagonista muy simpático para tus retratos jejeje.
Gracias a ti, que tu semana sea productiva y llena de bendiciones y muchas buenas fotos 📸.
Saludos querido @jlinaresp 🐱🤗
Thanks a lot @qurator team and @brumest friend!!! ;) Have a great week!
Hey Jesus
the world around you is beautiful, even, maybe less progressive in the modernisation and economic as many other. I just checked the Google Street for the location of your city. It was surprising that the Google street cars never moved along the streets of your country. There are images of the specific places like Iglesia de la Inmaculada Concepción de Montalban and RESTAURANTE MI EMPANADA and the Posada Café, but no more. I see that google never raided whole territory of your country.
That's right dear @victorbz friend!... Even Google has had a hard time getting here!... hahaha :)) Once upon a time (about 20 years ago) I used to post photos on a map site called ‘panoramio’ but I think it disappeared... Some owners of small businesses like the ones you mention in your comment, make some efforts to make their businesses known, but here everything ‘happens slowly’... So I presume that it will take us a few years to be more present on the web (just in case people don't keep leaving and we tend to disappear)... :)) In the meantime, I'm still here taking some pictures to pass the time!
Thanks for visiting, support and commente my friend!... Have a great week!
it's always my pleasure bro.
i remember the "panoramio" site, i think that i used it here and there. it was before the world was being captured by the modern social media sites
While looking at the first photo I felt like the man on the bicycle was right next to me while I was riding mine. It felt like he was about to smile, and we would nod to each other. 😊 I remembered a friend who used to share photos of elderly men on Hive. The lapwing is so adorable that I wanted to reach out and pet it through the screen. 🤗 The word wonderful might not be enough, but the photos are wonderful. They each tell their own story.
Awww... Thank you so much for this visit to my content and for this motivating comment @damla friend!... Photographing people and especially older people is a very touching and nice thing to do... I really like to take street portraits, I live in a village where I have always been (53 years) and it is very easy for me to take photos of people of all ages, as many of them know me since I was a child. I consider myself lucky for that... Ah!... That bird came very close to me, they are in many places around the village and they tend to defend their nests with a lot of ferocity, that makes them easy to photograph... They are beautiful and very temperamental!... :))
Greetings, thanks again and happy week!....
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$PIZZA slices delivered:
jlinaresp tipped victorbz
jlinaresp tipped damla
jlinaresp tipped qurator
@jlinaresp(4/15) tipped @gatubela
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