The crisis of climate change to humanity

With the thought that nemesis always catches up with people, we should consciously make efforts to preserve the very natural resources that maintain and sustain our very breath on earth. Many decades ago, I learned from basic sciences that the ozone layer was the protective covering of the earth, and the atmosphere has a mixture of gases of which oxygen is part. Here, I learned we breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide. Basic sciences even for a layman. The earth exists as a balance, a mixture of matters, the liquid, solid, and gaseous states; thus, an equilibrium is achieved, and at various degrees of temperature, even the liquid becomes vapors or the condensations in the sky bring down rainfall, and at other times and climes, we have snow or the blocks of ice that fall from the sky. Amazing yeah? The earth remains a mystery that scientists continually study and unravel while guiding us in the right directions.

And probably these studies bring about different weather forecasts that guide us in our different ways of life. The climate is usually considered and viewed over a period of time, usually more than a decade, and it comprises various weather conditions as regards temperature and seasons with a focus on the rainfalls and sun shines. My country is Nigeria, and it is in the west part of Africa, usually known as one of the sub-Saharan countries. Though my age is around the third decade, I have witnessed a couple of changes over the past decade to affirm the disposition of a climate crisis. My first experience of the downside effect of the climate crisis was in 2021 when I engaged in rice farming for the first time, only to be ravaged by flooding just when I had transplanted the rice nursery. This was very discouraging for me, even though I didn't give up as I secured a different site the following year for another process of rice farming.

The possible causes of flooding are viewed from two major perspectives: artificial or natural. Artificial flooding often comes from the opening of dams, which may be as a result of excess water after bouts of heavy rainfall. Such was the case when I planted my rice nursery the first time. We were not informed, but rather fell victim to flooding, resulting in properties and lives in some areas. The natural flooding could come directly from heavy rainfalls and could be seen to ravage even the urban areas. Some houses were completely overwhelmed by these waters in parts of Nigeria like Kogi and Kwara state. My village was a victim, as the whole community was flooded and survivors had to move to the uplands. Sometimes, these victims of this natural disaster have nowhere to go, and even when the government offers them temporary or permanent relocations, they decline, as they claim not to want to leave their inheritance.

Oftentimes, flooding experienced in urban areas is man-made, meaning it could be as a result of a poor drainage system or the improper disposal of waste materials. My community has suffered this mess a lot, and despite the government's warnings, the people continue to practice unhealthy waste disposal, which often blocks the passage of water and ultimately results in flooding when there is heavy rainfall.

Maybe we should look away from the waters and look at the pollution of the environment by indiscriminate burning of waste that emits fumes toxic for inhalation or may even go up to the sky. A good example remains the location of industries in urban areas that emit pollutants into the sky. Perhaps lawlessness or carelessness, these toxic fumes have caused irreparable health damages and even contributed to the destabilization of the ozone layer. Perhaps we could bring in the greenhouse gases, which are components of the atmosphere that give us safe air to breathe by emitting heat during the day to warm the earth's surface and, as a balance, cooling the earth by returning the heat to the atmosphere. Here, equilibrium is aimed at, but the destabilization of these gases through the burning of fossils and toxic gases from the too many combustions and exhausts of cars has continually threatened that balance. Thus, we have continued to experience variance in the degree and seasons for rainfalls and sunshine.

Rain usually falls in my community at least once in January, and probably by March or April, the falls heighten. The reverse was the case this year, as we did not witness a drop of rain until late April. The heat was scorching and almost unbearable. This crisis was heightened by the spike and hike of foodstuffs since Nigeria as a country has focused more on oil and gas rather than looking towards agriculture as a means of sustenance. Unfortunately, only a few farmers ventured into farming because of the insecurity that has continually ravaged the nation. So, beyond the threat to our breath, even the foods that should be for sustenance have become scarce and expensive.

The climate crisis yet reflects from ravaging urbanization as expansion of houses remains on the increase, bringing about a rage of deforestation. Maybe only a few trees are left in the cities, and we are all left with the exchange of bad air. As much as we should encourage urbanization, a conscious effort should be put into making trees available in our cities through reforestation so the earth can release the absorbed heat back into the atmosphere.

Would we say that man is responsible for self-destruction? Maybe yes, but this is because of poor futuristic planning for complications of climate change and crisis. Rain has ceased since about three weeks now, putting my crops on a sizeable farm at risk of drought while giving me concern for other crops I wish to plant. Was the weather forecast on the news helpful? Not really, as I was told there would be heavy rainfall, but all we can see is the opposite, sometimes with scorching heat.


Thank you for reading. I would love to have your comments and contributions.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I think partly we can say all that is happening to us is as result of mistakes we've made in the past and are still on the same trajectory.

If something isn't done, I'm not sure we'd leave much for our kids. This was well articulated boss. Thanks for sharing sir.


Thank you very much for your comments. I'm grateful
