Breaking free from the stigma and conditions of anxiety and depression
Anxiety and depression are major indices that slow and probably cut an individual or society off from being optimal in productivity. After all, health is now defined with respect to having the resources for every day living: meaning, beyond the absence of disease conditions, how well such an individual or society can cope with the determinants of health.
Anxiety is a worry or concern often as a result of unmet expectations or fears of an event occurring. We all have been anxious at some points in our lives. Just over the weekend, my younger sister and I shared our nostalgic experiences, from when our older brother was returning from the military high school he attended years back to how gentle he has become now. My sister and I remained anxious whenever my older brother was coming home from school; it was certain we were going to have tears roll down our cheeks. Right now, he could even say sorry when he is stepped upon.
Anxiety can be mild or severe, and in the case of the latter, may involve the use of drugs known as anxiolytics to abate the symptoms. Anxiety can be characterized by undue tension, sweaty palms, increased heartbeat (palpitations), loss of coordination, etc. Anxiety often revolves around expectations, which could range from job hunting to getting rebuked by older people. Basically, everyone has been anxious at some point in their lives.
Depression, on the other hand, often heralds a more serious and life-threatening condition where the individual experiences retrogressive and withdrawal symptoms that may be characterized by unusual silence, mood swings, loss of appetite and weight loss, disinterest in people and the environment, and feelings of hopelessness and possibly suicidal tendencies. The inability to meet one's desired expectations, objectives, or goals; threats from sources such as work, society, or even strangers; failed relationships; medical illnesses with poor prognosis; loss of loved ones, etc. are a few examples of conditions that can lead to depression.
The individual may know he is depressed. I have been in similar shoes sometimes in the past on more than one occasion, and I hated myself for that. Other times, the individual may not be aware of himself, wallowing in depression and perhaps withdrawal. The associated symptoms may be noticed by friends and family.
Our levels of response to unfavorable conditions vary from one individual to another. What may seem tragic and depressive may be laughed off by another. It must also be noted that conditions of depression and anxiety are more likely to occur in mentally ill patients or those that have had previous experiences or poor coping strategies. And yes, we have antidepressants just like the anxiolytics, but we leave the management of care to the behavioral scientists, especially when cases are severe, while encouraging all health professionals, including the primary health care providers, to render basic support (counseling) in situations of mental derangement when encountered, especially in the public.
You may wonder why we hardly use psychiatry in mental health; rather, we employ the word behavioral scientists. This is largely because a lot of stigma has been attached to the management of mental health conditions. Remember I stated earlier that the absence of organic mental ailments does not imply the individual is mentally well. Anxiety and depression are components of mental illnesses that are rarely talked about. The society and culture have a notion of attributing weakness to people, especially men, who are unable to bear the burden of everyday stress. And unfortunately, such troubling emotions and thoughts are buckled up and result in depressing conditions that may be characterized by symptoms aforementioned.
Speaking up is usually a challenge, especially for the men, as they seem to want to stay in charge. Speaking up on troubling emotions can be seen as a sign of weakness. Also, the fear of words confided in friends and family being spread to the public is a major reason why people choose to bottle up these emotions.
Suffice to say that expressing feelings of anxiety and depression to trusted friends and family is a sign of strength and a willingness to be helped. Occasionally, we victims may seek strangers to confide in for independent judgments and solutions, and such may involve online support groups that may permit one's identity to stay hidden.
Identifying an individual's state of anxiety or depression remains a vital and major step to getting a solution.
This is immediately followed by identifying the probable cause or risk factors.
Analyzing the severity or possible complications, which can extend to the psychosocial state of the individual, is next.
Finding the best probable approach, which can range from pharmacological therapy to discussion therapy sessions, may be direct or indirect, such as confronting the probable causes or diverting the individual's attention, respectively. Severe cases should be hastily referred to mental health specialists such as the behavioral scientists.
Compliance and maintenance of treatment strategies are important, but so are the preventive measures to ensure such an individual does not fall into similar states or is adequately equipped to combat similar situations in the near future.
I hope you have enjoyed my brief exposition about anxiety and depression. I look forward to having your comments and contributions.
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