28th Feb 2025 - Diabolical Tools For Freedom



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This video is mainly for those freedom fighters who are working their way out of the centralized slave-system, using the power of web3. Just my two pence on further actions needed to be taken when you take the big picture into account.

I talk here about the birth certificate fraud and how that relates to our endevours here. We can create a paralell system with web3 (remember, web3 is not about your social platforms, your blockchains, your projects or tokens; it's also not about making money...it's about our privacy and freedom to live like a fckin boss.), but if we are not careful, our efforts will crumble and our comrades will be cracked down upon due to the legal system still having an assumed hold on us.

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Hey Jin,
You're right, birth circificate was a key component of how the old controlling system worked.
But now real threat is graphen poisoning of hole food chain, AI taking control, people turned into machines, 6G etc…

Btw, look at element if you got some time.


I did take a look at the element. I posted a message. I will shut it down within the week. I will update on my future contact dettails @valued-customer @daretodefy, moving on to SimpleX.

There is a threat beyond what you listed...the controlled industries and food chains have a leverage on who gets to eat poison and who gets to eat clean food. For those looking to grow or source clean food, or even develop land or even a hidden space for food growth the destroyed food chain will be out of their reach, nor will they wantt any part in the poisoned food chain (they will not go/can't go into the high tech surveilled Supermarkets; they will not want to use a mainstream online vendor for fear of going through the banking system; will they use cash and obtain resources face-to-face? Just a thought).

What will stop the free peoples from living freely will still be that "old control system".

You still look too short term my brotha. Do you not see the bigger picture? Total enslavement is their objective. Food Wars, Weather Wars, Technology Wars, Medicine Wars, Wars, are just methods to ensure these things. Doesn't matter how you put it, total enslavement is the threat. Hunger, energy weaponization, loss of assets, destruction of livelihoods through a manipulated economy...for those not willing to establish themselves in an alternate infrastructure, powered be free peoples with no ties to the old system, all of what i have been saying is bullshit and senseless.
