Numbers, No Longer My Nemesis Conquered My Math Phobia.



Greetings once again. Finally I’ve gotten the opportunity to share my experiences on how I overcame a difficult situation. It’s no doubt that life tries to hit you with certain challenges, it is these challenges that help shape you to become a better person in life. You have two choices, you either stand up and face them or give up. Giving up is not an option for me for I chose to face and conquer these difficulties.


Over my early life in School, especially the primary level. One of the subjects that I performed really bad. I mean very badly was Mathematics. Out of a 100% I could get as low as 20%. I just didn’t like the subject. I don’t know if you’ve noticed most of the Maths teachers at our time were very strict. Any little mistake you make, you would be lashed. So this I believe was the backbone to my failure in maths.

Because of this phobia I never really understood the subject. I always felt like you needed to have two heads to understand maths. I continued to get very bad results in school, which prompted my parents to look for a private tutor for me. Which was an absolute waste of time and money. Because I didn’t understand anything he taught.


In year three at high school, I took the B.E.C.E Examination and failed woefully in maths. Fortunately for me I got placed at secondary school. Most of my electives contained a lot of mathematical calculations and not to forget the fact that I also did elective maths in addition to core maths. I knew from that moment I was fucked if I didn’t do anything to improve on my maths.


During my first year at the senior high, I sort after my senior from junior high @abdul01. I knew he was damn good at maths, we scheduled a private tutoring session after class. And the session went marvelously. He explained some tricks I could be using to make some calculations very easy for me. From that moment I wanted to know maths like the way he did.

I took it upon myself to go for “mining” it’s a term which is referred to studying after preps time. It’s usually at the odd hours of the night. I kept doing this trying out quizzes from textbooks and for the first time in a while I began to understand what I was doing. And when the time came for our end of term examination, I got a B+ and B in e maths, core maths respectively.

I was very excited about the progress I had made. The fear I once had for maths turned to love for that subject. Mathematics is one of my favorite subject now. Sometimes I just think if I hadn’t put in the work to overcome my fear of maths , I probably wouldn’t be here at the university. Because almost all of the course we pursue here are somewhat related to maths. Thank you to the hive ghana team @mcsamm, @nattybongo, @collinz for this wonderful opportunity thank you.


That’s an impressive feat, math can really be a scary something, well personally I’m a math and physics fan, I love math but I feel so excited for you for havig win this battle, congratulations bro


I'm glad I found a way to make you love mathematics. In this life we live in, mathematics is the only thing that makes sense.

Thanks for loving it


I’m grateful to you bro.🫡


I'm glad I found a way to make you love mathematics. In this life we live in, mathematics is the only thing that makes sense.

Thanks for loving it
