[Fan Art] It's Glimmo!
Happy Sunday, y'all!😊
For this fan art, I chose Glimmo!
Art Process
Even though this creature is tough and quick on his feet, he seems to be the jolly type, so I chose a pose like he is on a sunny stretch, hehe.
Base colors from the original art. I then worked on the eye. I wanted to make the eye as same as from the original art.
On clipped layers, I used a For the background, I wanted semi-hard airbrush for the shadows. For the eyes, I added a glow.
Final Art
For the background, I thought a candy palette, like a burst of pastel color. I just randomly put lines of different colors.
Finished art! ✨
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That is it for this art blog. I will see you at the next one!
📸 All photos are owned and taken by me, otherwise credited. ©️jijisaurart
💖 NFT Showroom on Bio: Chibis on Hive
Glimmo is a wonderful and inspiring creature. As a unique part of the gaming character. Each step is smoothly arranged and completed digital art. Above all, respect and love for your hard work.
Thank you. 😁