The Dentistry: Nothing But Fun


Finally got a new set of glasses from the Optometrist today. I’d gone the previous week to get my eyes checked and get the whole prescription in for the labs to prepare the glasses and also had a dental filling. A few years back, I noticed that I couldn’t eat with the left side of my teeth. The left part in its entirety was out of bounds as far as eating was concerned.

I didn’t think much of it and people around me took it casually saying it was no big deal. I agreed with them and concluded that I just had sensitive teeth. From that time till a week ago, I was only eating with the right teeth. Before, I just couldn’t chew but I noticed it got worse with time. Like if as much as a morsel of food got near there, I’d have this painfully shocking sensation.

So, I disregarded further opinions from anyone and had my first ever trip to the dentist last week. He checked it and discovered that I’d gotten cavity up there in like two teeth at my left side. Said that the dental filling could take care of one but that the hole had gotten far too deep in the second tooth and the filling wouldn’t be enough to keep it going and so, I’d eventually have to take out that tooth.

I felt bad about the entire experience, especially when he said that it could have easily been avoided if I had made this trip at least a year before. So, the very next day, I got to get the filling done and let me just say, I see why people don’t like visiting the Dentist. I had what I suppose is anaesthesia injected into my gums. But I felt sceptical for some reason.

I had flashbacks from 2021 when I had a motorcycle accident and had to get stitches. I remember being given the anaesthesia but I felt the prick of the needle from the start to the finish. The Doctor then had been pissed off, chiding me for groaning in pain when I wasn’t feeling pain. Or wasn’t supposed to. I wondered then why I would be groaning and crying if I wasn’t feeling pain.

Fast forward to the present, I looked at the Dentist warily when he told me how the entire process was going to go. How he was going to drill in the teeth and do some scrapings before the actual filling. He assured me that the entire process was going to be about forty five minutes tops and that after the slight pain of getting the gum injection, I’d feel just about nothing.

I’m sure you guys must have already figured by now that that was not what happened. I felt pain. A lot of it. Especially with the drilling machine. The drilling itself wasn’t so bad but the side of it that was steady against my lips burnt bad. Each time I was asked to take a rinse, I’d inspect my lips and would not see a burn. Yet, the pain was there. Excruciating as ever.

Then, there was the shocking sensation. A similar imagery would be that of a welder. Or an ironsmith. That welding tool scraping against the metal and making those sparks fly, that’s how it was. There were no sparks in mine, of course, but that was just the sensation. Hated every single moment of it. The pain, the shocking sensation and everything in between. I felt it was my cross to bear for not visiting the Dentist on time.

Anyway, when the filling was done, I was grateful to be done with it all. He gave a few do’s and don’ts and I bade the entire Dentistry farewell, hoping that it would be a long while before I needed to return. Complete with my glasses, and I feel nearly ready to resume school. It had been nearly impossible studying and because of my upcoming tests, I felt the tension and the pressure weigh uncomfortably on my shoulders.

All of that has been lifted now and I’m ready to get all that studying and eating, of course, in motion. This was supposed to be a thoughtful and reflective post on how I’ve been doing lately but I’ve learnt to go with the flow when I can and that’s exactly what I did. Although it wasn’t completely savoury, glad I got to share this. Till next time...


Image is mine.

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Oof, I can only imagine the pain. I've never been to a dentist before, and was actually thinking of visiting one, not for anything, but just to do a general check and to experience it, but now I'm scared 😅.

Glad to see you'll now be able to eat like the rest of us. I also can only eat with my right side for some reason, but not because of anything, it just feels more natural.


but now I'm scared 😅.

A whole Boss like you. Don't be scared. Just go for a general check-up. It's better to do that so you'll just know what's up.😄

but not because of anything, it just feels more natural.

I think maybe yours is more of a preference. Not like you can't eat there but you just prefer eating with the other side. Some people are like that.


God have been faithful. At least he has no allowed me to fall into the hands of those dentists for ones. I just he never let me go through that.


Lol. But it's actually good to visit the dentist from time to time. Just to have them check and ensure that all is well with your teeth.


Tbh, I've always wanted to go to a dentist, never had the need but just curious 😂

This your experience has made me more curious 😂😂


You can always go. Hopefully, you have a teeth issue that involves being drilled. I reckon you'd love that a lot.😂


I can only imagine the pain you went through.
Though I've never been to a dentist before but my mum had her tooth removed and it was not funny at all.


Yeah, my Dad as well. The pain isn't here. Have you ever visited a dentist?


Wow. This is quite a lot, and I'm really sorry you had to go through all of this.

I had a similar experience two years back, it was a first too. After being given the anesthesia, I still felt pain. It could best be described as shock waves 😂.

Me I didn't allow them continue o, I'd rather be on drugs than feel shock waves that doesn't only affects your teeth, but even the brain.

I'm glad you feel much better.
Success in your forthcoming test also ✌🏿.


Lol. I like that you stood up o. The pain was usually so much so I just said that they should continue with the filling. Thank you for the wishes and I will do my best in my test.

PS: I'm so sorry for the late reply and I hope you're doing well.🌺


At the beginning of your narration of how the dentist would fix your tooth, I thought it would way less painful because I have watched a dentist do a filling for someone and it did not seem to be that painful. But reading further, I am amazed that it is so painful.

Anaesthesia is given just to reduce the pain patient should feel, doesn't take away all the pain. The whole process sound scary to me.

I hope you can now eat well with the tooth.


This is eight days later and I might as well give you progress report on the tooth now. I can eat but sometimes I still feel that very uncomfortable sensation like I'm biting into ice. I don't even know again at this point so I've decided to just hope for the best and wait for the time when I'll have to remove the tooth completely.

So sorry for how late this reply is. I hope you're doing well.🌺


I still feel that very uncomfortable sensation like I'm biting into ice.

Oh sorry. I think it's better to have the teeth removed.

Nah, it's fine and yeah I'm good. Thank youuu.


Teeth removal is quiet a painful experience, although I've not done one before, dad and some other family members who did attested to that. The one I did was scaling and it wasn't painful.
It's good to see a dentist on time whenever one notice any challenge with the teeth.



Your experience sounds scary, I always fear anything that has to do with tooth pains as I have seen how terrible it can get with people.

Glad that you finally got it done, I wish you a quick recovery and all the best in your test. !LUV


Thank you so much, Funshee. It was a really trying experience but I'm glad it's over. Have a beautiful weekend.🌺
