Storm and Silence || Behold A Gem

I can say with all boldness, that there are not a lot of books that are up to the standards I like in terms of wit, humour, suspense, adventure and all the very vital things that make a book the legend that it should be. But on a very boring afternoon in April 2020, I decided to download Wattpad. Again. After scrolling through some books, I concluded that I had made a mistake installing the app again when I stumbled on a book. At that time, I didn’t know that not only was I going to become addicted to this book series, but also it was going to change a part of me forever.

Storm and Silence Series by Robert Thier

There are about six books in this series. Storm and Silence, In The Eye of the Storm, Silent Night, Silence is Golden, Silence Breaking, Hunting for Silence, Storm of Bells and New Storm Rising. But then there’s also a prequel called Before the Storm that gives us a look into the life of Mr. Rikkard Ambrose, our cold-hearted billionaire and how he amassed his wealth. In reality, there are about seven primary works in this series but nine books in total. All spanning between 2016 and 2020.

An Incredibly Brief Summary of the Series

Lillian Linton, our heroine has three major principles for living a happy and carefree life. Never do what you’re told, never boil your own head in vinegar and most important of all, never ever marry a man. Lilly Linton is a feminist to the core who absolutely loathes the outlandish and extremely chauvinistic ways of her society, which is set in the 19th century (Victorian Era.) After being caught trying to vote while dressed up as a man, she spends a night in prison.

Upon her release, she goes to Empire Hall(still dressed as a man) where she meets Rikkard Ambrose, the richest financier in London whose principle is: Knowledge is Power is Time is Money, to give her the job he had promised. Rikkard refuses on the grounds that he had offered her the job when he thought she was a man. Lilly in her incredible ways of standing her ground and stating her rights finally gets the stone-cold(not figuratively) man to give the job.

From then on, it’s a life of adventure. Surviving the demands and high-handedness of her boss, Lily is determined to craft a way for herself by becoming financially independent. She faces all manner of obstacles. From a conniving Aunt who seeks to get her married at all cost, to her travails in the dangerous streets of London and South America with Mr. Rikkard Ambrose, will she finally get the freedom that she so desperately desires? And just maybe can the most unexpected love blossom between the iceberg that is Rikkard and the woman who has promised herself never to fall in love with the disgusting creature that is – a man?

My Review and Rating

I don’t know what Robert Thier had been drinking to create this masterpiece of a series, but from the moment I read the first book, I wanted it with every fibre of my being. I usually before the time I read this book, didn’t quite enjoy books written by men. I’m not sure why, or maybe it’s because the main leads were men while I preferred female leads. Whatever the case was, my perspective changed after I read this series.

I love that the grounds of feminism and male chauvinism were brought to light and adequately propounded upon. It was a time when women literally had no rights and were supposed or expected to be brainless, witless dolls whose only aim in life was to get married, then there is our protagonist whose ever dream in life is to adequately squash those myopic beliefs, at least where she is concerned.

Which brings me to how much I adore all the characters in this book including the villains which were, mind you, extremely villainy in nature. The building of roles and the soul that was given to each of them to embody the character they were meant to be in all the ways that count. Okay, Mr. Ambrose was far too stone-cold for my liking but even I learnt to love the stick-up-the-ass billionaire. He brought minimalist, shrewd, miser, tightwad and what have you to amazing lengths that you would never believe. Loved it!

And then I love the unadulterated humour, the wit and above all the sarcasm that oozed out of every page in this series. It was one to die for. For someone heavy on romance, this book did well but didn’t dwell on it so heavily. But I promise that if you’re a romance fan, you’d scarcely notice it because you’re just too engrossed in all the other themes it has to offer. There is romance though. The kind that has you blushing and kicking your feet, that’s for sure.

I’m supposed to get to the part I hated about this book and I’m sorry, I just can’t find it. Maybe it’s there. But trust me when you’re blinded by perfection, you barely notice the flaws. Robert Thier ate and left no crumbs as far as the Storm and Silence Series is concerned and I am glad that boredom made me stumble on this masterpiece. I can’t give it a five-star rating so I’ll stick to 4.7/5 which is my highest rating yet. For those who haven’t read this series, you are for sure missing out on something surreal.


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Your book reading is crazy😭😭😭😂

How many series this month?


Shhh... it's a necessary evil.
We read to survive.😄


A fine review! A plot set in the 19th century and a determined, strong female main character? Count me in! I've read books so perfect that I am blind to any flaws in them and this series seems amazing. Adding to my TBR right away, thanks!
!LUV 🙂


Thank you, so much and I honestly hope you love it just the way I did when you get to read it. And please let me know when you do.🥰
