Adulting: Enemy or Foe?


Social media, daily conversations, you name it. Everyone seems to be lamenting the same thing. “I always looked forward to being an adult, if only I knew that it would be like this.” “It reached my turn to become an adult and enjoy that feeling of being one, but things are so expensive.” “I want to return to the time when my biggest worry was what kind of glitter pen I should buy or if Femi had read my love letter yet.” The complaints are endless. Lol.

I felt sceptical about writing this because I wondered if I could be qualified as an adult. Though there are plans to move out soon enough, does the fact that I’m still under their roof discredit my adulthood claim? I pondered on this and as you may have guessed, the reason I got to writing this is because I concluded that it didn’t. And if not all, I have many of the worries being an adult entails.

Adulthood took me by surprise. I don’t know if it was when I had to pay for something big and I realized that it was either I funded it on my own or I dropped it, or when I had a major decision to take and my parents distinctly told me that whatever I decided on was my responsibility because I was an adult now.

I kind of reeled backwards when I heard that and this brings me to stating one of the hardest parts of being an adult. It’s the fact that whatever decision you make, you take sole responsibility for it. They don’t call your parents to see and take part responsibility for your misdemeanours. And they don’t immediately think of your parents in your moments of victory. Your successes and failures are entirely on you. It’s a heady thought but it’s daunting at the same time.

I remember when I was growing up and my Mum, when I did something wrong, would say, “Now, I can only discipline you for this and soon enough you’ll forget this ever happened. But a time will come where the punishment would be worse and best believe that you’ll never forget it.” Too valid to a fault.

With adulthood, that common phrase of, “She’s just a child and doesn’t know what she’s doing,” doesn’t exist. No one assumes that you didn’t know. Everyone says “You should have known better” because somehow, it is expected that we do know everything as adults. Know what is right and what is wrong. What is a good path and what would lead to destruction.

Even though this may be enough on its own, I’d like to a personal fact about adulthood which is that you’ve got to take care of yourself. I remember recently when I was really ill. In school and far from my parents and the people I love, it was then that I felt the full gravity of being alone. All the “stand up na. Just try to eat a bit. Let me help you bathe...” None of that is available.

So even when it feels like you’re about to collapse from the sickness, you’re fully aware that if you don’t stand up and prepare food for yourself, you will starve and nothing will happen to anyone. Hard fact but the honest truth.

I’m not going to begin a praise session for adulthood even though there are good parts to being an adult but as a little consolation to all my struggling adults out there, “You know if you were given the chance to be a child forever, you still wouldn’t have picked it.” Lol.


Image is mine.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I would have picked that option but not forever 😂😂

Adulthood is scary but thank God we are navigating it steadily


It's very scary but we're getting the hang of it. We don't have a choice, any way.😄


Definitely. Adulthood is hard but I don’t think anyone would want to stay a child forever


Lol, you'd be surprised.


When I was younger, I and my friends whenever we were punished for something we did wrong, our go to term was always "I can't wait to grow and become an adult so nobody can beat us again"😭😂... Nobody is disciplining me now again but then, as an adult, you bear the brunt of every action you take. Be it good or bad. You even see your junior ones now depending on you. Adulting is fun and at the same time tasking. But still, leave me in my adulthood. I don't like people shouting at me or even spanking me😂


Funnily enough, people could still yell at you but the good thing about being an adult is that you can choose to shout back. Really cool stuff, lol
My own phrase was, "Omo, once I become an adult people will see." They're now asking me why they've not seen the thing I said they'll see.😂


"You know if you were given the chance to be a child forever, you still wouldn’t have picked it.” Lol.

Punched me fam,ngl.
Can one be an adult without being up to the age where adulting starts from?
All I'm saying is, I've experienced all you said and I am not in anyway legal yet.

Before I got to the university,as in started higher institution shit, I remember always threatening my mum whenever we got in a fight that I'll soon be done with secondary school then I'll go to the university then you guys will only be hearing from me every three to four months. Lmao,now once I reach that school it's either I want to die from the pain of missing my parents and siblings or I want to die from being surrounded by people I'm not comfortable with and have to make conversations with cause it's essential.
Life doesn't really get easier or harder or anything, I guess we just get stronger


Actually, I even like the fact that I get to be on my own o. But even then, the security and warmth that comes from being home is unmatched.

Life doesn't really get easier or harder or anything, I guess we just get stronger

Nailed it!🌺


Ahhaaa adulthood is complicated and life goes upside down. It's like you need to do it everything the right way and all of it needs to be done. There's no escape


It's like postponing the inevitable because you know that no matter how you try to dodge it, it's still waiting for you. Crazy. Lol


Yes oo, if I had the chance to pick my childhood back, I won't, even when I keep screaming "adulthood is a whole lot". The thought that no one will be there for you, no one to tell you this and that, you are all left alone to make decisions; even if you seek for one, in the end, you will still have to pick your choice and the repercussion is solely on you.
Adulthood is fun but at the same time, it's tough out there all by yourself.


Yeah, I've realized that while all of us find adulthood tough, childhood was even tougher cause we didn't get to have a say in our own lives and make decisions for ourselves. It's truly tough either way. Lol


Children in their teen years start wishing their lives away to be adult, many adults still hold onto some treasured childhood ways. A woman knows she is no longer a child once she has her own to take care of...
