LOH CONTEST #187 || How we celebrate Liberation Day


For Ladies of hive contest #187 I want to feature how our beloved Municipality Tuba celebrate the Liberation Day for the month of April every year in commemoration of the heroes who bravely fought against the Japanese during the World War II in 1945, to attain the freedom of the province of Benguet. That was the year my father was born on April 10,1945.
History never fade away
During the celebration, the Veterans Federation of the Philippines - Sons and Daughters Association, Inc. (VFP-SDAI) Tuba Chapter are the presenters of a brief history explaining the celebration of the liberation day.
The officials of our Province give full support thru emphasizing in their speeches the importance of sharing the history to the next generation. My lolo ahs a lot of story about their journey.
They were living in the mountain wherein, the veterans and US Army fought against the gerillas. They even told stories about crisis during WW II wherein, a lot of our ancestors died because of malaria caused by mosquito. One of my lolo told us a story that he was the one who make grave to almost sixty cadaverse in one village.
Also, a story told by the veteran the way they fight for the gerillas.There is
a song being invented by this fighters to defeat the gerillas. One day, a veteran was caught by the gerilla and while he was tied he sung the song "Kalejo gaet tatedo era" which means "Come fellas, they are just three" so, the veteran defeated the three gerilla who caught their companion.

Celebrating the Liberation day
It is not just to jave food and fun but to humbly expressed our gratitude to our heroes for their sacrifices in attaining the liberation that we enjoyed up to this day.

During the celebration,
We do laying of wreath and offering of flowers by the participants and descendants of WWII 66th Infantry USAFIP- NL. The PNP conduct a 21-Gun Salute, and the Indigenous People Mandatory Representatives conduct the ritual offerings.

For the ritual offering
Here in our Municipality, we do the traditional practice which is called ritual offering to "Kabunian" The pig to offer must be a native pig then a legit prayer warrior or we called "Manbunong" do the offering prayer. Then after that, they will perform the traditional dance which we call it "Tayaw" This practice emphasize our unending gratefullness to our veterance, to our warriors who fought for the freedom of our province from the Japanese. And, a big thanks also to the US Army who helped our veterance fight for our province and to the whole country.

And our Municipality also provide a financial assistance to the veterance and to the family of the veterance during celebration of the liberation day.

Thank you for the privilege to share how we celebrate liberation day here in our humble municipality of Tuba.

Special thanks to our veterance, who are left and still alive and kicking celebrating during the liberation day. It is so amazing seeing their smiles and hearing their stories even sometimes they forgot what next they will say due to old age and seeing their teray wyes when they see they are already few who are left since most of them had already gone to heaven.

The photo below were taken from our previous celebration.
Credit to the administrator of the facebook page of Pio Tuba for granting my request to use the photos taken during the celebration
Well, off course some of the photo was taken by me while attending the said activity.

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Commemorating those moments is indeed special. It showed the loyalty and bravery of our ancestors who were fighting for freedom. It's worth remembering.:)


The celebration of days as important as these, remember part of the history of what happened to the following generations and a reason for which to always be grateful.


Oh my; we've got a lot in common-sort of!

First, let me say it looks like a lovely celebration for the veterans. Very honorable.

Now for the rest; My father was born on April 10th as well, but in 1919. He was stationed in the South Pacific during WWII (I don't know where specifically; maybe the Philippines) where he too caught Malaria that plagued him until the day he died. He was a medic in the US Army as he had polio as a child and was not able to be on the front lines. He never spoke much about the war, but the week before he died, he told me about how hungry they were; there wasn't much food and he said the locals had a beer that was heavy bodied and that was what kept them all from succumbing to starvation. That was the only conversation we ever had about the war; I wished we'd had more. I'm not sure what prompted him to tell me this, but I am glad for the snapshot into a little of how it was. Ironically, he never drank after the war.

Thank you for sharing your history. Have a lovely evening!🤗💜


thank you for sharing your father's partake as medic during WW II, truly he is a hero, too


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Wow so much history and reverence accompanies your pictures. These heroes are definitely worth the honor and remembrance every year.


thank you so much. so sad since, most of them had already gone...hopefully, they will celebrate more years💜
