Splinterlands Social Media Challenge: Kulu Mastermind is a beast in Melee Mayhem matches

Splinterlands is a pretty complicated game and there are some interesting battles with all the options available. This is a part of the weekly social media challenge for Splinterlands. This week is about a great fight that I had with Kulu Mastermind.

Featured cards

Kulu Mastermind is a water splinter that costs 9 mana. This card starts off with the opportunity and weapons training ability. It learns at shield at level 2 and enrage at level 4. I have this card at level 1 but I still think this is a great card. The first two abilities are overpowered when used correctly.

Rule set, Battle and Plan

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The ruleset this time is Healed Out and Melee Mayhem. This means that monsters can't heal and melee monsters can attack from anywhere. There are 44 mana available and I am left with the choice of fire, water, or death splinter.

SplinterMana CostPositionReason
Kelya Frendul4Summoner+1 speed and shield
Diemonshark81stTrample and Enrage
Baakjira62ndSlow, Strengthen and Void
Kulu Mastermind93rdWeapons Training and Opportunity
Noa the Just54thRust
River Hellondale75thInspire and Resurrect
Sultry Barmaid56thStun and Ambush
Total Mana:44

My summoner is Kelya Frendul because it increases my speed and armor by 1. My tank is Diemonshark for its trample and enrage. Then I have Baakjira after for the void and slow. Kulu Mastermind is in the 3rd spot to give Baakjira and Noa melee damage. My 4th monster is Noa for rust to reduce armor. Then I have River Hellondale for inspire and resurrection. My last monster is just a ranged monster with stun.

Round 1

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At first glance, I think that I have the advantage due to speed and melee damage but it will rely on whether or not I can land hits. Other than that, I think my lineup is quite powerful with some nice tanky monsters up front.

Round 2

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I missed quite a few attacks but I was still able to take out the tank and remove the resurrect from his summoner. My lineup is still looking quite strong.

Round 3

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I missed another few attacks but I was still able to take out 4 monsters in the previous round. There is no chance of my opponent winning because I have a magic monster.


I ended up winning the match later that round.


The battle this time around did not go exactly as expected. My choice to use fast monsters and slow down my opponent worked out because I probably missed fewer attacks due to it. At the same time, I had the damage advantage by far on my opponent and once my monsters killed a few, the other lower health monsters went down in no time. Using weapons training, I increased my damage and kept the support abilities to improve my chances.

You can see my entire match here.

Feel free to leave a comment if you read my post. If you have any questions, feel free to ask and I will do my best to answer.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Kulu Mastermind is a beast, can be well played with Possibilitus or with Cryptic!


It was a good game, I think you were quite dominant, if the opponent brought an USUT to the games, it could have been harder. But it was a walk in the park with all that range monster
