Splinterlands: Raa is an amazing damage dealer

Splinterlands is a complex game and it allows for various different cards and strategies. Each fight is different as there are various different rulesets applied and this can give specific cards an advantage depending on how you use them. In this post, I talk about a great battle that I had and it's about the card Raa. It's a great damage dealer if luck is on your side.

Featured Cards

Raa is death monster that starts off with flying, double strike, and scattershot. It learns giant killer at level 2 and rust at level 3. I have mine at level 1 so it only has the starting abilities. It is still a powerful card at level 1 though.

Rule set, Battle and Plan

rule set.png

The ruleset this time is Healed Out and Earthquake. This means no heal abilities can be used and any monster with flying will take damage every turn. There is also 46 mana and I have the choice of fire, water, death, or dragon splinter.

My summoner is Quix the Devious because choosing a dragon summoner gives me access to dragon cards and it also reduces speed and ranged attack by 1.

SplinterMana CostPositionReason
Quix the Devious4Summoner-1 range attack and speed
Pelacor Deceiver51stFlying
Pallus82ndFlying and Reach
Void Dragon53rdFlying and Void
Usut104thFlying and Bloodlust
Vruz25thSneak and Marytr
Raa126thDouble strike, Flying and Scattershot
Total Mana:46

I start off with Pelacor Deceiveras my tank because of flying and its decently high health. My second monster is a reach monster with flying. I have Chaos Dragon in my 3rd spot for void as a backup tank. After that is Usut in the 4th spot for the bloodlust and flying. My fifth monster is my only non-flying monster with sneak and martyr. My last monster is Raa for its damage and its abilities. If Vruz dies early, it will buff both Usut and Raa.

Round 1

round 1.png
At first glance, I think that this is a tough match. My opponent has a nearly maxed-out deck and my magic/ranged attack is rebuffed. I still think it's possible to win but it might rely on some luck.

Round 3

round 3.png
I fast-forwarded to the 3rd round because we were trading blows. I lost three monsters compared to the one monster that my opponent lost. It's not looking very good for me. So I hope that I get some luck in dodging some of those ranged attacks.

Round 8

round 5.png
My void dragon was able to dodge a few attacks and it gave my Raa a chance to kill off the backline. This turned the match in my favor as my Raa didn't miss and was able to take out those ranged monsters. So at this point, I think the match is my win so long as my Raa lands a few attacks.

I was able to win the match a round later because I didn't miss any attacks.


The battle this time was not what I expected but I am glad that I won against a nearly maxed opponent. Combining Raa and Usut with Vruz for the martyr was such a good idea because their damage carried me in the later part of the match. I was lucky to wipe out the entire backline with Raa's ranged attacks. Those attacks tend to be hit or miss so I didn't expect for it to happen. However, that turned the match from one where I was 2 monsters behind to one ahead. So Raa was the MVP of this match.

You can see my entire match here.

What did you think of my match? Was there anything you would have done differently? I think it is quite interesting to see how different players use the same card.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Oh wow
So it is possible to fast forward rounds and not complete it?


A match is already complete once both sides place a team down. I fast forwarded for the sake of the post. Not much happened in between to go through each round


Raa's abilities are really impressive, especially in tight matches. Great strategy with Quix and the flying monsters brother


Dragon summoner just does it too for me. Unfortunately I don't have the Quiz. The RAA is a great card and the utility in this game just gave you enough time to take out the USUT.


Quix is a powerful summoner and it was a great pairing with Raa. Raa demolished my opponent because I got lucky.
