Why Engineering Isn't for Me

Hello everyone, welcome to my blog, so today I was going through the topics posted for this week's prompt and the topic: What job would you be terrible at and why? Caught my attention.

I believe I would be terrible as an engineer. The thought of choosing engineering as a career path makes me feel anxiety and self doubt 😂 . Engineering actually requires a unique set of skills as well as being good in calculations that I simply don't possess(I have a very poor background in anything calculation) , and the challenges involved seem overwhelming to me.

Engineering demands a deep understanding and love for mathematics and physics. These subjects have always been my weakness. I could remember back in school I struggled through mathematics classes, feeling lost and frustrated as equations and formulas. The idea of having to apply complex mathematical concepts to real world problems on a daily basis makes me feel lost 😂.

Engineering also requires analytical and logical mindset. I tend to be more creative and intuitive in my thinking, I am currently an animal scientist. I love animals and rearing them gives me great calmness, new experiences.

The precision and attention to detail required in engineering also clash with my nature. I'm often scatter brained just by making small mistakes. In engineering, where even tiny errors can have catastrophic consequences, my tendency to overlook details would be disastrous.

Many engineering projects involve working with complex software and technology also. I can only manage basic computer skills, anything more advanced leaves me feeling lost and confused . The thought of having to master sophisticated engineering software and stay current with evolving technology can be exhausting most times to me.

Even the pressure of designing structures or systems that people's lives depend on would be too much for me to handle. The weight of that responsibility would likely lead to constant stress and anxiety.

I'm a people person who deals with social interaction and communication. Many engineering roles involve long hours working independently on technical problems, which I fear would leave me feeling isolated and unfulfilled.

All images are mine

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