Treasure Worth More Than Gold: The Beauty of Meaningful Connections

I was going through some ups and downs close to two years ago, and I was worried about what would become of me. At first, I didn't want to inform anyone, but somehow, I confided in my friend. Whenever I got worried, he assured me that everything would be alright, even though I'm sure he didn't have all the answers at the time. He just wanted to calm me down.


Many of my close friends, who didn't know what was going on, noticed that I was absent-minded, not paying much attention, and my roommate complained that I was forgetting things easily. Since I don't usually forget things, she was worried and wondered what had changed.

When I realized that no matter how hard I tried to hide my struggles, my expressions gave me away, I decided to open up to my friends. I assured them that I was fine, but they didn't stop checking up on me. They visited me to make sure I was happy and to see if I was not being affected academically.


Every time I think about those moments, I smile and bless the day I met these people. When I tell others that I love and value the gift of meaningful relationships, they often think it's about financial gain. But it's not. One of the things I appreciate most is having intentional people around me – people who genuinely care about my well-being and would go out of their way to support me.

I believe relationships should be built on a foundation of mutual support, trust, and respect, not financial gain. If that's the primary motivation, the relationship will likely crash. I value being around intelligent, intentional, practical, and like-minded individuals, and I feel blessed to have them in my life.


While money is important, it shouldn't be the sole reason for building relationships. There are things that money can't buy, and that's where meaningful connections come in. I know people who aren't wealthy financially but are rich in relationships.

It's essential to be a valuable person and offer something to those around you. Don't just take from others without giving back. If you're in a relationship where people genuinely care about you, cherish it.

I hope we can thrive and win together.
Be a valuable person.
Be a teachable person.
Be a person of impact.

Thanks for reading my blog. Love you🤍🙏!

All photos are mine
