Hive Music Festival Week 90 Round 3 || A Cover of "New Life" [Eng/Esp]

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Hello friends of the hive Music zone community, my name is @jesus-son and I welcome you specially to this week 90 round 3 of the hive Music festival. This festival is a great one that unites musicians from different places of the world under the organization of the moderators of this community and it always feels great to share music with you all.

In this post, I shall deliberate succinctly around the theme of the song which I share with you today. It is titled New Life. The idea of new is one that is almost one sided because of the social attribution but then, it is a word that encompasses of the two sides of life such as the positive and negative.

In as much as we talk of newness of life in joy and gladness, we can also talk of new life in sorrow and sadness. Thus, the concept of the word NEW is diverse.

In this post, the concept of new life is on one of the sides and that is on the positive side. Here is referred to the new life that is derived from God. The new life that is arrived at when one gives himself wholly to God.

First of all, the coming of Chriat into the world is for the sake of introducing a new life. The old generation was dead in sin and condemned to damnation and needed salvation. Christ therefore came with His sweetness to revive man from that pit of destruction and introduce a new beginning.

However, this new life is meant for all but not all who will receive it. Not all who will receive it because not all who accept and believe in the salvation brought by our Lord. This is the effect of the worldly philosophy which tend to rationalise everything and throw away whatever is not provable by reason but faith is beyond the comprehension of reason. In fact, we ought to believe before we rationalise.


This song is such a soul refreshing one that each time I sing it, I remember the work of God upon humanity and feel calm and grateful. It is ther3fore a pleasure to sing this to you. For those who may notice, I am having a new background of environment and that is because I am on vacation to the South of Italy called Paestum and I am glad that I found a keyboard here and so can continue to share music with you all even as I am away from home.

I am glad to share this with you all, and I hope that you enjoy with me. Thank you so much for your support.


Hola amigos de la comunidad de Hive Music Zone, mi nombre es @jesus-son y les doy la bienvenida especialmente a esta semana 90 ronda 3 del Hive Music Festival. Este festival es genial que une a músicos de diferentes lugares del mundo bajo la organización de los moderadores de esta comunidad y siempre se siente genial compartir música con todos ustedes.

En esta publicación, deliberaré sucintamente sobre el tema de la canción que comparto con ustedes hoy. Se titula Nueva vida. La idea de nuevo es casi unilateral debido a la atribución social, pero claro, es una palabra que abarca los dos lados de la vida, como el positivo y el negativo.

Así como hablamos de nueva vida en alegría y alegría, también podemos hablar de nueva vida en tristeza y tristeza. Así, el concepto de la palabra NUEVO es diverso.


En este post el concepto de nueva vida está en uno de los lados y ese es el lado positivo. Aquí se hace referencia a la nueva vida que se deriva de Dios. La vida nueva a la que se llega cuando uno se entrega totalmente a Dios.

En primer lugar, la llegada de Chriat al mundo tiene como objetivo introducir una nueva vida. La vieja generación estaba muerta en pecado y condenada a condenación y necesitaba salvación. Por tanto, Cristo vino con su dulzura para resucitar al hombre de ese pozo de destrucción e introducir un nuevo comienzo.

Sin embargo, esta nueva vida está destinada a todos, pero no a todos, los que la recibirán. No todos los que la recibirán porque no todos los que aceptan y creen en la salvación traída por nuestro Señor. Este es el efecto de la filosofía mundana que tiende a racionalizar todo y desechar todo lo que no es demostrable por la razón pero la fe está más allá de la comprensión de la razón. De hecho, deberíamos creer antes de racionalizar.

Esta canción es tan refrescante para el alma que cada vez que la canto, recuerdo la obra de Dios sobre la humanidad y me siento tranquilo y agradecido. Por tanto, es un placer cantarles esto. Para aquellos que puedan notarlo, estoy teniendo un nuevo ambiente en el entorno y eso se debe a que estoy de vacaciones en el sur de Italia llamado Paestum y me alegro de haber encontrado un teclado aquí y así poder seguir compartiendo música con todos ustedes. ya que estoy lejos de casa.

Me alegra compartir esto con todos ustedes y espero que lo disfruten conmigo. Muchas gracias por su apoyo.

▶️ 3Speak


Gracias por compartir tu presentación en el Hive Music Festival. Tu publicación fue revisada por nosotros y recibió un voto positivo de la comunidad de Music Zone en Hive. ¡Únete a nosotros en nuestro servidor Discord!

Thanks for sharing your performance at the Hive Music Festival. Your post was reviewed by us and received an upvote from the Music Zone community on Hive. Join us on our server Discord!


Thanks so much family
We keep doing our best


My geee, you do this one
You don become master for keyboard when you go teach me na


Eso si que se escucho increíble hermano! La melodía es algo melancolíca pero no deja de ser muy hermosa! Te quedo excelente hermano! Bendiciones.


Thanks bro
I appreciate your visit and comments


Bravo mi hermano de veras que bonito eres muy talentoso y compartes tu arte en esta ocasión un saludo


Me that want to be singing like you guys but it's not working 🥲


I always look at new life at the positive way only but with this I got to under that any occurance either positive or negative, it is new. But we always hope for a positive new happenings. Thank you sir


hi, well done on providing more text for us to consider with this submission to @dreemport

For me it is still a post where the focus is on the video, and not the text, and that makes it a difficult match


Please I want to understand better
Is it the case that musical posts are not acceptable on dreemport?


others may have a different view. But the focus on Dreemport is the written word. For me that means any picture/video/audio has to be secondary to the written portion of the submission.

For yours the video is the key portion of the submission. You could post the video on 3speak with no written content and it stands by itself. If you took the video out of the submission, it doesn't hold.

As I said, the written part of the submission is more in line with what's looked for, but for me I think you need dwell on the guidelines (below), and possibly check out what others may think in the Discord

Please understand that while DreemPort honors the work that it takes to produce beautiful art, videography, photography, music, etc. and also recognizes that those posts are very well-received on other platforms - the primary focus of DreemPort is the emphasis on the written language. Any post that primarily focuses on the media used in the post will most likely be eliminated by the Guild.

please do not take this as a diminution of the fine work in your video! I'm just not sure that a post focused on the video of you producing a fine recording meets the required emphasis on written language.


I totally understand your point, thanks for your constructive criticism

But i also think that if it is not fitting for dreemport, then the submission wouldn't have been accepted. And on several occasions I have been awarded 1st place ranking, so this is why I am also confused. Or what do you think?🙄


well, if the post is judged on overall merit, it is a fine post.

and I think what may have been happening is folks judging for the post itself, and not whether it is a post that fits within the guidelines for @dreemport

imagine you entered a pie into a cooking competition and a whole bunch of people thought the pie tasted wonderful and gave it a high mark, but they had forgotten the table your pie was on was the cake section and they should have been judging it as a cake, and not a pie.

like I said, it could be worthwhile to ask in the discord channel for clarification


It's fine man
Thanks and have a great day
