Hive Music Community || An Instrumental of "Fill My House unto the fullest [Eng/Esp]


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Friends of music Community, I send you warm greetings. My name is @jesus-son and I welcome you to my blog on this occasion that I wish to share with you this interpretation of mine with my recorder and piano. I hope that you would find it intersting.

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I present the song titled "Fill My House unto the fullest". It's a very calm and melodious song that I have known for a long time as we often sang it in the church during the church services.

It is a song that expresses the invitation of Christ to us His creatures to come fill His house unto the fullest because the love He bears is held from no one and all He has and Does He does for us His beloved children.

The lyrics of this song is so inspiring and touching such that one who listens to it with kin attention can enter into the spirit and even shed tears knowing about the unconditional love of God for us.

It is just very pathetic that despite the love of God for us, we keep disobeying and going astray. We keep going our own ways without paying attention to Him. But then, He still forgives us and calls us to His banquet.

I was just pondering on what to share with this amazing musical family and my mind went to this song that I love so much and here it is.

Making the recorder and piano combination is kind of a lovely exercise for me. It gives me so much joy to listen to myself play and enjoy with other lovely people here. Dear friends, I hope that I am able to make you enjoy good music by what I present here.

I leave you to enjoy with me friend. I made this on the key of G as I am more comfortable on it on the recorder. Thanks so much for coming around.


Amigos de la comunidad de música, te envío cálidos saludos. Mi nombre es @Jesus-Son y te doy la bienvenida a mi blog en esta ocasión que deseo compartir con ustedes esta interpretación mía con mi grabadora y piano. Espero que lo encuentres interesante.

Presento la canción titulada "Fill My House al máximo". Es una canción muy tranquila y melodiosa que he conocido durante mucho tiempo, ya que a menudo la cantamos en la iglesia durante los servicios de la iglesia.

Es una canción que expresa la invitación de Cristo a nosotros, sus criaturas para venir a llenar su casa al máximo porque el amor que lleva no es de nadie y todo lo que tiene y hace por nosotros sus amados hijos.


La letra de esta canción es tan inspiradora y conmovedora que alguien que la escucha con atención de parientes puede entrar en el Espíritu e incluso derramar lágrimas sabiendo sobre el amor incondicional de Dios por nosotros.

Es muy patético que a pesar del amor de Dios por nosotros, seguimos desobedeciéndonos y por mal camino. Seguimos seguimos sin prestarle atención. Pero entonces, todavía nos perdona y nos llama a su banquete.

Estaba reflexionando sobre qué compartir con esta increíble familia musical y mi mente fue a esta canción que tanto amo y aquí está.

Hacer la grabadora y la combinación de piano es un ejercicio encantador para mí. Me da tanta alegría escucharme tocar y disfrutar con otras personas encantadoras aquí. Queridos amigos, espero que pueda hacerte disfrutar de la buena música por lo que presento aquí.

Te dejo para disfrutar conmigo amigo. Hice esto en la clave de G, ya que me siento más cómodo en la grabadora. Muchas gracias por venir.

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Your flute playing is angelic—it floats like a whisper from heaven, while the piano anchors us in reverence. Together, they create a sacred space where God’s invitation to "fill His house" becomes tangible. This performance isn’t just heard—it’s felt in the soul, reminding us of God’s endless mercy. Congratulations!


O My God! You just blew my head with those beautiful words man
Thanks so much for coming around and dropping such nice words


Indeed our God is loving being that despite our wrongs, he calls to His banquet. The sound of the flute is amazing bro.


How una take dey learn all these instruments sef, lolz
This is cool. I used to love this song so much. It transported me on high


Hehe, ita simple na, just Pick it up and learn. Thanks dear


Saludos hermano! Eso se escucho demasiado sublime y hermoso! Y no sabia que tocabas la flauta, me dejaste loco jeje. Felicidades hermano! Magnífica presentación como siempre. Bendiciones.


Certainly that I also play the flute man. Thanks so much for coming around
