Lost in gravity [Esp-Eng]



Well into the night, Susana went to bed exhausted and with a dull mind from so much reading, she was preparing for an important test in her science career. That morning the alarm didn't go off as usual at 5:00 am, the sunlight woke her up. She tried to get up but something was terribly wrong, she was glued to the ceiling of a room she did not recognize and back pain, she looked out the window and thought she was in a dream.

She did not understand what had happened, she did not recognize that place, but the world seemed to be upside down, she looked up and the huge trees, buildings and poles stood upright towards what she knew as "down". Everyone seemed to be fine with that, they walked calmly without fear of falling, but Susana was in total shock, if it wasn't for the floor of that house she would fly off into space.

She was alone in this, because everyone saw it as normal, while Susana could not even set foot on their floor, she seemed to find herself without gravity in a world where she was left over. Fear invaded her and she had no idea what to do, until she saw a girl pass in front of the window with a balloon, then she had an idea, tie a long rope to her waist and leave that place to look for a solution, luckily she got one in the closet.

When she went out she became a spectacle for the city, everyone was looking at her intrigued, taking pictures and recording videos to send to family and friends in other places. No one could explain what was happening because no one knew, Susana traveled through the air holding on to one house after another, afraid that the rope would break and she would fly away into the immensity of the universe.

One of those videos of Susana that was rolling around the social networks was found by one of the scientific researchers of the city, who, full of emotion, ran out to his car to go and look for Susana. When he found her, he looked at her in despair and shedding some tears, so he tried to comfort her, telling her that he was a scientist and that he was coming to help her.

Susana, holding on to her seat belt, went to a nearby university where a group of scientists and professors were already waiting for her. They were testing a new invention that would help them to transport excessively heavy objects to other places, removing the gravity of them would be so light that anyone could carry it, this invention would be used to remove huge rocks, or even to remove the hides when there were natural disasters. At that moment she understood everything.

She had been hit by a shot that had escaped them by a slight oversight, while one of the scientists fell asleep and made them change places, so she was in another house when she woke up. That transporter effect the scientists did not know that she had it, it was something new and that required studies.

Susana suddenly stopped being scared and began to feel fascinated with all that, she had been the first to try it and now she would be part of something so important. Removing her immunity to gravity was simple, she only had to receive another shot of light from the device and suddenly she had her feet on the ground again. That same day she returned home and was able to take the exam and get the best grade.

She did her thesis on that device and her experience being transported and returned immune to gravity for more than 12 hours. After graduating he continued to work with that team at that prestigious university and in addition to that, they managed to create other incredible machines that made people's lives a little easier.



Fuente By xusenru

Ya bien entrada la noche, Susana se acostó agotada y con la mente embotada de tanto leer, se estaba preparando para una importante prueba de su carrera de Ciencias. Esa mañana no sonó la alarma como de costumbre a las 5:00 am, la luz del sol la hizo despertar. Ella intento levantarse pero algo estaba terriblemente mal, se encontraba pegada al techo de una habitación qué no reconocía y dolor de espalda, miró por la ventana y creyó encontrarse en un sueño.

No entendía que había ocurrido, no reconocía aquel lugar, pero el mundo parecía estar al revés miró hacia arriba y los árboles enormes, edificios y postes se levantaban erguidos hacia lo que ella conocía como "abajo". Todos parecían estar bien con eso, caminaban tranquilos sin miedo a caerse, pero Susana estaba en shock total, Si no fuera por el suelo de aquella casa se iría volando al espacio.

Estaba sola en esto, pues todos veían aquello como lo normal, mientras que Susana ni siquiera podía poner un pie en el el suelo de ellos, parecía encontrarse sin gravedad en un mundo en el que sobraba. El miedo la invadia y no tenía idea de que hacer, hasta que vio a una niña pasar frente a la ventana con un globo, entonces se le ocurrió una idea, amarrar a su cintura una cuerda larga y salir de ese lugar a buscar una solución, por suerte consiguió una en el armario.

Al salir se convirtió en un espectáculo para la ciudad, todos la miraban intrigados, tomando fotografías y grabando videos para enviarlo a familiares y amigos de otros lugares. Ninguno podía explicarle lo que estaba ocurriendo porque nadie lo sabía, Susana ella viajo por el aire sosteniendose de una casa tras otras con miedo de que la cuerda se rompiera e irse volando a la Inmensidad del universo.

Uno de aquellos videos de Susana que rodaba por las redes sociales fue encontrado por uno de los investigadores científicos de la ciudad, quien lleno de emoción salió corriendo a su automóvil para ir a buscar a Susana. Al encontrarla, el la miró desesperada y soltando algunas lágrimas, así que trató de consolarla, diciéndole que era científico y que venía a ayudarla.

Susana bien agarrada del cinturón de seguridad se dirigió a una universidada cercana en la que ya había un grupo de científicos profesores esperandola. Ellos hacían pruebas con un nuevo invento que les ayudaría a poder transportar objetos excesivamente pesados a otros lugares, quitando la gravedad de ellos serían tan ligeros que podría llevarlo cualquiera, este invento lo usarían para quitar rocas enormes, o hasta para quitar los esconbros cuando habían desastres naturales. En ese momento ella lo entendió todo.

Había sido alcanzada por un disparo qué se las había escapado a ellos por un ligero descuido, mientras uno de los científicos se quedaba dormido e hizo que cambiaran de lugar, por eso ella se encontraba en otra casa al despertar. Aquel efecto transportador los científicos no sabían que lo tenía, era algo nuevo y que requería estudios.

Susana de pronto dejo de estar asustada y pasó a sentirse fascinada con todo aquello, había sido la primera en probar aquello y ahora sería parte de algo tan importante. Quitarle la inmunidad a la gravedad fue sencillo, solo debió recibir otro disparo de luz del artefacto y de pronto ya tenía los pies en el suelo de nuevo. Ese mismo día volvió a casa y pudo presentar el exámen y tener la mejor calificación.

Su tesis la hizo sobre aquel artefacto y su experiencia siendo transportada y vuelta inmune a la gravedad más de 12 horas. Luego de graduarse continuó trabajando con aquel equipo en esa prestigiosa universidad y además de ese, lograron crear otras maquinas increíbles que hicieron la vida de las personas, un poco más fácil.


-Content entirely of my authorship and inspiration.
-Original text in Spanish, translated at DeepL.
-Banners made with Vistacreate.

-Contenido completamente de mi autoria e inspiración.
-Texto original en español, traducido en DeepL.
-Banners hechos con Vistacreate.

Encabezado de correo electrónico 600x200 px (2).gif


Your story is so unique and interesting, @jemima1996. We love it when writers come up with original ideas like this one!

One tip for you: We would love to see more dialogue in a story like this. For example, she could talk to people on the street, and to the scientists. We have a great article on integrating action, dialogue and narrative in a story, and another one on how to write dialogue in our catalog of fiction writing tips.

Thank you for sharing your story in The Ink Well, and for reading and commenting on the work of other community members.


This is a great read. I'm sure sussane wanted a nice change somehow


This is a lovely story
Though Susana woke up looking scared she found closure at the end
The mistake on the researcher's part led to proof the invention viable


Very interesting story @jemima1996 mima1996. And it was great how you resolved it in the end.
Very good.



The story is fascinating, but it would be more interesting if it'a a bit longer. 😊 I want to read more about Susan's experience.


What a unique storyline. I'll just wait for the movie to hit the cinema lol.
