Hey, How Are You? Let's Celebrate Small Wins!
Hello everyone! It's been a long while since I last published a blog here. Do you guys still recognize me? It's been a year since I last visited here. My last blog was published on December 27, 2023. Technically, it was just less than 2 months ago, but a lot of things have happened to me already! By the way, Happy New Year everyone!

Life updates? What have I been up to? I'm gonna share about it with you guys because I missed being here. It's just that I have been so busy lately that's why I was off the grid for a while but now I'm here, taking the time to write down my thoughts. I'm feeling a little excited but at the same time, concerned about what's gonna happen in the future. Here goes my anxiety again. Hush, stop this. Let's do it to it!
I Got a Job!
If you have been following my blogs before, my grandmother passed away last November. That was one of the most devastating moments in my life. It's uncomfortable for me to say it but after Grandma passed away, I had the freedom, or should I say, time to take care of my welfare too. I finally had the chance to look for a job online and had my full attention to it.
Saying this makes me feel guilty but I just thought grandma would also understand about my situation. And I believe she's in a better place now. So I got a job, it's a platform where you get to meet people. The first 3 months were great, I was earning well but just last month, it didn't do so well anymore. So I had to look for another job for me to earn money.
I Just Launched My First Job at Upwork!
I am so pleased to tell you that finally, I just had my first job at Upwork! After months of trying and trying to get clients, Betty trusted me with this gig.
Actually, Betty first reached out to me on onlinejobsph website. She was looking for a content writer. However, at that time, I was so occupied with work and I thought I would really have a hard time balancing all the work that I have so I referred a friend of mine to take the job but she did not push it through.
So just last week, I felt like the first job I got into was no longer sustainable than usual, I felt the need to reach out to her and apply myself for the job, and I made it! Good thing, they were still looking for a writer. I hope this continues, and one day, I'll be as successful as how my friends have been in the freelancing industry.
ESL Teaching is Fun!
Just a month ago, I just started working in an ESL teaching platform. It's an online teaching platform based in Vietnam. Most of our students are from Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, and Laos. I used to think how it feels like teaching kids online but I made it! I'm still new so for sure, I'll meet different kinds of personalities more but I'm enjoying it so far.
In my first class, I was ultimately nervous. I had no idea what to expect from my student. I am so glad that he was so smart! His name was Ben, he was 13 years old. It was too easy. However, as days went by, I started to meet unresponsive, non-participative students too. Just like this one:
He really tested my patience. But, he's only 6 so I kinda understand that but I guess it's the parents' responsibility to manage the behavior of their kid, right? He goes off his chair often and plays in the background. I did my best to catch his attention until I sang a song for him.
Teacher Jeaneth unleashed her talent in singing in there, ladies and gentlemen! Lol. But kidding aside, I'm just so happy to share these small wins happening in my life.
How about you guys? How's life has been with you lately? Let's keep going on! And just to share a little bit of my love life, here he is 🙈🥰️.

I might share about him a little more on my next blog (if I have the time, hopefully).
So that's it! It is so good to be back here. I really hope I get the momentum to keep writing here from time to time. Balancing my time seemed much more difficult than usual but, I'm not complaining, I'm enjoying every little bit of it.
Hello, @jeaneth08 Of course, I still remember you. It's good to see you back. Your blog is a bit of a sad and good news, but since it already happened, focus on the present and the future. Best of luck on to your new ventures in life. I'm looking forward to see you more here in the platform.
Hi @ayane-chan. Yeah, my blog is a mixture of emotions but life must go on. Thanks for welcoming me back!
Hello Jeaneth. A lot going on for you, I can see your keeping busy. A new person in your life, happy for you 💚 It's nice reading from you again 😊
Hi Bob @coolmidwestguy ! It is so good to see you here too again. How's life been to you?
Oh day by day sums up my last few months. The good, the bad, joy, and the ugly. I just keep waking up and facing what ever is thrown at me 😊 Best of luck with your new journey Upwork 👍
Congratulations on landing your first gig on Upwork! It is not actually that easy to. And yes, your man is handsome.
Hello there, @starstrings01. Thank you so much! I appreciate this. Just subscribed to the community. :)