Complex Female Dictionary: Yes Means No, No Means Yes
Men, are you having a hard time understanding how complex women behave in such situations? Most especially if you are in a relationship or even getting to know a girl more stage yet?
This blog would definitely be for the men out there. I guess this works every time and you should find this helpful for you. 😆
I must admit that women are more complex than men. That's irrevocable. However, I can also say that there are some women who are not as complex as usual too.
On the other hand, some men are complex and love indirect meanings too. Though, I think that rarely happens.
But why do women love to do indirect messages, or rather give mixed signals and hints to their partners? Why not just say what they truly mean? That's complex female dictionary. Simple, (but not really simple to understand) women feel valued, cherished and loved when their partners know how to read their minds. It's a form of validation that confirms that you really know her, you love her, and you know what she likes. There's nothing more feeling romantic than getting the points across.
To be fair, women should not overdo it too because men are naturally clueless. 😆
Now, I'll give you scenarios wherein complex female dictionary comes in.
Scenario: A husband and wife are attending a wedding. While wearing the dress, the wife asks:
Do I look fat on this?
Normally, men would speak their minds logically and straightforwardly. So the husband said, "Hmm, a little bit".
If that's how you answer to the question, you just made her feel bad. What she truly means is that she wants to know if you find her attractive!
Scenario: The husband is already waiting for them to go because he's done preparing. He asks his wife, "How many more minutes love? We have to catch up with the traffic and everything". The wife answers back:
Five more minutes!
Men, you should wait an hour or more. 5 minutes means an hour or so. Women do their hair and makeup.
Well, in my case it only takes a maximum of 30 minutes to prepare everything. I don't really do makeup. Just powder, and lipstick, and I'm good.
It still varies on what personality your girl has. Then I guess you won't be having trouble waiting for me on a date.
Scenario: While waiting, the husband hears his wife saying:
Love, I have nothing to wear!
Men, what she's truly saying is that, her closet is full but she can't find the right dress that fits to the occasion. Or, there are too many options and you have to help her choose what she should wear.
But since, guys would normally react to this saying, "How come? You have got a lot of dresses to choose from. I only even have 3 pairs of shirts and pants." The wife responds:
What did you say?!
Men, brace yourselves. This is war. I tell you, don't repeat your statement. It's not that the wife didn't hear what the husband said. What she actually means is, "I heard you clearly but you better rephrase your sentence, or else you'll be in trouble".
Scenario: The husband became impatient and suggested, "Love, I think I'll go ahead because we're running late already. You go with your cousin instead because she's going to the wedding anyway." Then the wife responds:
OKAY/ go-ahead/ Do whatever you want.
Men, these phrases mean otherwise. That's a trick statement. What she truly means here is this, "I dare you to do what you want" or "You better stay here."
I believe this applies to the majority of the girls. We say it's fine or we're okay but what we truly mean is otherwise. Right girls? 😆
Scenario: Since the husband was lost in what the statement stands for, he continued to suggest, "I'll look for a cab instead and just let you drive the car since you know how to drive already. Will that be okay?".
YES / OKAY (but with an eye roll)
Men, this is when you should listen to the tone of how she said it. The tone of her voice should determine what she truly means. It could be Yes, No, or Maybe. 😆
I bet you have to practice deciphering this statement. This is the trickiest of them all.
Scenario: When the wife is finally ready, she looks to her husband and said:
Is that what you are going to wear?
Guys, you should go and change. The girl doesn't like your outfit.
Scenario: When they're finally in the car, the wife asks her husband:
Do you remember what day it is today?
Men, think as hard as you can. Try to remember all the important dates or occasions you've had with your girlfriends or wives.
It could be the date you saw each other and exchanged Hi's and Hellos. Or, it could be the day you proposed, or her birthday, or anything.
She truly meant, "It's our Anniversary and you forgot."
Scenario: Since the husband forgot their Anniversary, expect the situation to be cold and awkward. The husband noticed that his wife has been silent since then so he asks, "Are you okay? What's wrong?" The wife answers:
Nothing/ I'm okay/ I'm fine/ K
What does this mean? There is a lot of meaning behind this. You should ask more because something is wrong. You made her feel bad when you forgot an important event in your relationship. Apologize.
This doesn't only apply to a one-on-one encounter. This happens through chats and texts as well.
"K" means, "I'm pissed off."
Scenario: The husband is still clueless about what his wife is saying so he asks once again, "Are you mad at me?". The wife responds:
No, I'm not. I'm perfectly fine!
Again, she means otherwise. Just observe her body language and how she answers your questions. That would explain everything.
They were late so they did not witness the ceremony and just went to the reception instead.
What happened to the couple after that awkward situation? How did everything go through after the silent treatment of the wife?
Stay tuned to my next blog. This will do for now, I have to do something urgent. I'll see you on my next blog!
Thanks for reading.
Keep safe everyone!
😁😎🤙 yup, the TAMPO! is real..