SURVIVOR Episode 2




As they were coming back from their aunt, the aunt had already called their parents that she has gave them enough money for transport fare, and they were already on their way back home.


Their mother excitedly that her children were coming back home quickly went to the market to get some food stuffs to prepare food for her children return.


It was exactly 10 a.m on Saturday morning, the sky was smiling at the beauty of the morning sun. Grace and her brother got to the junction where they supposed to board a bus going to the next town which is where they came from, but suddenly, as they were about to enter a bus, Moses heard some beats across the road, and told his sister to come along with him to check what they were doing.

"Grace, I think there's a party going on here. Common let's go and take a look at what they are doing". Moses told his sister as the conductor was waving at them if they were going before the bus take off.


"No, brother... Can't you see a bus has stopped for us already? If you want to go, you're free, but am not following you". She made a sign with her finger to tell the bus to go, as she sees her brother was not ready to go.
"Grace, look at that (Moses was surprised to see the way they were spraying money with a money gun spraying machine) I have never seeing them spraying money like this before". He said chuckling. Grace looked at her brother and Shaked her head surprisingly with the way her brother was behaving.

"Ok, I will follow you, but promise me you won't stay long". She knew making a deal with her brother has never worked out before, but she had no choice to accept what her brother wanted, because she didn't know her way back home, and the transport fare was with her brother.

"Yeah, I promise. Just a glance of what they're doing through the fence and we will be going. I understand you made me promise you to leave there quickly because you're hungry.

They both laughed as they were crossing the road to the other side where the party was on going.


They got to the party field and her brother told her to let them enter instead of glancing through the fence... "Hey, Grace, let us enter, so we can have a better viewing of what they are doing. It seems like it's someone wealthy that's doing this party. Look at the way they are spraying money. Common sister, let's go. Maybe we could have some luck and see some money pick on the floor".

Grace with her eyes turned red and about to start dropping tears looked at her brother in disbelief "Wait, are you telling me to follow you inside to be picking money? Is that the promise you made? What do you think would happen if they catch us picking money and call us thief? Look here, You're such a disgrace brother. If you want to go, go! Just go and do whatever you like, but count me out. I'm not following you anywhere, infact, am going back home now". She turned back and started running away angrily, even without knowing her way back home. Moses was there standing and looking at her sister running and using her cloth to wipe away her tears.

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Grace was busy crying and wiping her tears, and catarrh with her cloth at the same time without noticed she was about to get hit by a bus.

A bus was coming from behind, though the bus was on a normal speed, but the driver was busy listening to one old Fuji music with a mp (Music Player) placing in
front of him in his bus. The music was not too loud, but he was carried away with the vibes the music was giving him as he was singing the lyrics along with the singer, and shaking head to it's beats.

The conductor saw Grace walking down the road without looking back, called in the driver to watch out "Suraju! Watch out!... Are you blind? The music you were listening to has blocked your sense now to look front?

The driver was shocked as a hot slap landed on his cheek. He immediately stopped the bus to look at who dare to slap him that much. He looked back, and was surprised it's his conductor that slapped him. "Are you okay? What have I done for you to deserved this kind of slap from you"?
The conductor angrily looking at him like giving him another slap "Were you drunk before you started driving this morning or what? Can't you see you almost hit a child?"

Suraju was surprised at what his conductor was saying. He got down from the bus, and was surprised seeing a small girl sitting down in front of his bus crying.

People started gathering at that point to see what's going on. Moses on the other hand was surprised he couldn't see his sister again (he was watching her walking down the road before, and was hoping she would return back to him if she found out he wasn't following her).


He saw where people gathered, and ran to take a look at what's happening. He was shocked it was his sister people gathered on. People were busy asking her where she was going to, her parents, where she was coming from, her name, and so on. But she only continued crying and shaking as they were asking her the questions.

"I'm her brother". Moses voice cut in as they were asking his sister the questions.
All of them shifted there attentions from Grace, and focused it on her brother. Moses turned to the driver as he saw the driver was looking at him so angrily "I'm so sorry sir. Our parents brought us to the party they were doing over there. She told them she wanted to ease herself, and they told me to follow her. But I didn't know she has stood up and walking down the road. I had being searching for her before I came here. I'm so sorry sir".

Grace was so disappointed at the way his brother formed the lies. She looked at his brother and the tears roll down more from her eyes.

Suraju looked at Moses and tell him to take his sister, and monitor her very well.
"Hey, look here young boy... Did you know your sister almost got me to jail? He looked at Moses angrily, and continue talking stammering because of the anger in him... "Iiiiif not thaaat I cccconsiderderdered thaat you are a smaaall boy, I I I suppose to to carry you, your sister and your careless parents, and lock you all up in cell". At this point, people could not hold the laugh anymore, as they all burst into laughter due to the way Suraju was stammering. Even his conductor wasn't left out in carrying the laughter with the crowds. Suraju looked around disappointed in himself and left angrily without his conductor "Nooonsense! When you are done laughing, meet me at the park"
He angrily left his conductor and went back to his bus. His conductor ran after him immediately and both of them zoomed off. The crowd also started leaving to there various places.

Moses took his sister and headed back to the party field instead of going back home.

