Through my window


Hello Hivers and the Feathered Friends community, receive a cordial greeting from me. Today I'd like to talk to you a little about nature, specifically my acquired taste for birding.

Hola Hivers y comunidad de Feathered Friends!, reciban un cordial saludo de mi parte. Hoy quiero hablarles un poco sobre la naturaleza, específicamente por un gusto adquirido por mí de observar aves.

Although I am in the middle of the city (Maracaibo, Venezuela), the residential complex where I live is surrounded by many trees and vegetation, which is why it has become the ideal habitat for a large number of birds of all kinds, small, large, raptors, singers and as many classifications as we can find.

Aunque me encuentro en plena ciudad (Maracaibo, Venezuela), el conjunto residencial donde vivo está rodeado de muchos árboles y vegetación, razón por la cual se ha convertido en el hábitat ideal de una gran cantidad de aves de todas clases, pequeñas, grandes, rapaces, cantoras y cuantas clasificaciones podamos encontrar.

Day by day, early in the morning and late in the afternoon I enjoy a magical concert of all kinds of songs of these wonderful beings. But I believe that each one deserves its own prominence, that is why today I want to talk about a very special one, the one that impacts me the most for its presence, size and majesty, I want to talk about an imposing Sparrowhawk.

Día a día, a primeras horas de la mañana y al caer la tarde disfruto de un concierto mágico de todo tipo de cantos de estos maravillosos seres. Pero creo que cada una merece su protagonismo, es por eso que hoy quiero hablarles de una muy especial, la que más me impacta por su presencia, porte y majestuosidad, quiero hablarles de un imponente Gavilán.

This buddy comes every morning to greet us with his peculiar song and usually accompanies us until late in the afternoon.

Este amigo viene todas las mañanas a saludar con su peculiar canto y generalmente nos acompaña hasta bien entrada la tarde.

According to my research, it seems to be a Mixed Hawk, also known as Red-and-black Hawk, Harris's Eagle or Peuco. Its scientific name is Parabuteo Unicinctus, being a medium-sized bird of prey. Its habitat ranges from the United States to South America. It feeds mainly on rodents, pigeons (there are many here) and even lizards.

Según investigué, parece ser un Gavilán Mixto, también conocido como Aguililla rojinegra, Águila de Harris o Peuco. Su nombre científico es Parabuteo Unicinctus, siendo un ave rapáz de tamaño mediano. Su hábitat se encuentra desde los Estados Unidos hasta Suramérica. Se alimenta principalmente de roedores, palomas (aquí hay muchas) e incluso lagartijas.

As I continue researching, I discover that it is a very intelligent and social bird, although I have always seen it alone, so I can presume that it has been in captivity and has escaped, because of its intelligence and conditions, it is widely used for falconry. Here in Venezuela, unfortunately, the illegal trade of fauna is very common, a practice that threatens the balance of nature. The fauna and flora are to contemplate and enjoy, in their wild, free state, is something that must always be protected and defended.

Según sigo investigando, descubro que es un ave muy inteligente y social, aunque ésta siempre la he visto sola, por lo que puedo presumir que haya estado en cautiverio y haya escapado, ya que por su inteligencia y condiciones, es muy usada para la cetrería. Aquí en Venezuela, lamentablemente es muy común el comercio ilícito de fauna, práctica que atenta contra el equilibrio de la naturaleza. La fauna y la flora son para contemplar y disfrutar, en su estado silvestre, libre, es algo que siempre hay que proteger y defender.

What did you think of this friend? I hope you have enjoyed this short story and images that I share as much as I do. Greetings to all, we will read each other!

Qué les ha parecido este amigo? Espero hayan disfrutado este breve relato e imágenes que comparto tanto como yo lo hago. Saludos a todos, nos leemos!

Pictures and videos taken with my Iphone XS

Fotografias y videos tomados con mi Iphone XS

Translation done at

Traducción realizada en


I do not know whether the problem is in your images, the post format, or my internet connection, but the image links appear broken.


Hello Jacob, it usually happens to me, I do not know if it is the internet connection or the platform, but sometimes it happens to me, both with my videos and others). In this case I have checked and apparently everything is fine. Thanks for the observation, I will be pending, greetings!
