SURFING: Tiny surf, but warm and offshore... is better than a fight with a dinosaur!

Hello everyone, and especially the SurfHive Community! It's Jasper, the musical-surfer dad from Cape Town in South Africa.

Well, last time I ditched my shortboards and bodyboard and took my 7'6 long mini-mal to Muizenberg (Cape Town's best beginner beach with long, slow, rolling waves perfect for beginners and longboarding), the sun was glaring and my camera-cover must have misted over a bit... which gave a very colourful, but almost surreal effect to the photos!:

So I thought I would make a post with a similar name, on my latest surf in similar tiny conditions, so you can get a slightly more "normal colour", and "more realistically-focused" view of this center of Cape Town surf culture where most of us get started on the stoke journey!

The Muizenberg mountains still with burnt out vegetation in the saddle because of a wild fire - we are having terrible wild fires this summer. It seems like every day there is a new one!

I walked down the beach to get away from the majority of the crowd - still occasionally landed up sharing the little waves though!

The wind was a bit stiffer offshore than last time, hence the way the wave is feathering on top... it was a warm wind though, and the water is currently over 20 deg C, which is very warm for Cape Town!

A stylish long-boarder has walked to the nose, which means it almost looks like there is no board at all and he's pulling off a Biblical miracle!

Long waves to be had!

Riding the last wave towards the shore - that is actually the back side of the famous Table Mountain in the middle, with Devil's Peak on the right instead of the left (when viewed from the front).

So! I hope that looks idyllic, and if you ever want to learn to surf, you just pop over and enjoy Cape Town's Muizenberg as the perfect place to do it!


The waters been super warm here too and the waves have got a bit better this week. Salty old doggy time!!! Luckily no wildfires down here... Been a wet summer.

Just check out todays report


Sorry for the late response - those conditions sound epic and I'd probably be trying to find a bit of shelter to stay about head high or just over! Did you manage to find anything?


YES! I wrote about it in my second Surf HIVE post this week, haha! Today is windy and not even worth going down, so my plans of surfing every day til I left are scuppered. Damn.
