Oceanic well-being and couples rituals ...

At different stages of our life, we encounter the question: "Who are we?"

And the answer maybe varies a little bit each time, maybe Love and respect.

Today, I am a woman who wants to share with you Galen, all the New Year's resolutions that include projects, trips, makeovers or habits, that I made during that weekend, three days of relaxation on the ocean beaches of Samanà, in the north of the Dominican Republic, the gift that my husband gave me at the end of the year.

That said, rough seas make great sailors, and hard times breed true heroes. So discard everything that fosters fear, condemn all negativity, and eliminate all apathy during that oceanic weekend.

In silence, I have inner recollection, and I am renewed!

This weekend is great because when I'm tired the thing that helps me recharge the batteries of my body and psyche the most is to do silence and if I do it at sea, they say around that “life is tastier”.

In front of the sea calm my thoughts, haha nothing easy to tame my brain Galen, anchor me in the here and now, breathe peace and serenity in my spirit, I gave comfort to my soul to stop and look at my life, next to J. R. my husband, allowed me to connect with a silent well-being to better evaluate the crossroads where I was, deciding to migrate from my country. This gave me satisfaction in my existence and in consolidating our marriage vows with the renewal.

That silence filled our souls with non-palpable experiences, a new perspective that allowed us to see things that we had not seen before, which opens up more space and possibilities in decision-making for 2024 in our private and professional life.

We really enjoyed sunbathing, and taking boat rides, there I was able to recreate much more of this beautiful north coast of Samanà that was appreciated from my gaze. I am sorry that I practiced the art of not talking, which allowed calm and tranquility to take over me. And that silence gave me a chest full of treasures, the most valuable of them was serenity and my most confident attitude, I glimpse the direction for our lives in this 2024.

This is life on partial holidays in front of the sea of Samanà.

The routine changes. I wake up in a robe that I never wear at home because I get dressed in a gym outfit. I don't make the bed, I do everything without eagerness, kind of practicing blowing up the rules so that rigor doesn't exhaust me in old age, hahaha.

My office and my husband are for this first week we set it up on the little round table, although I work on the sofa or on the kitchen table. And always looking for the landscape to see the Caribbean that gives us everything.

I believe in couples rituals. Hold them steady. Our coffee when we get up is the time to talk about the day that is just dawning, without phones, watching the sea from the balcony in the mini apartment of the hotel.

Self-respect is a multiplier of gifts, talents within me, it is a giant performance multiplier, and everything I know about communication and human relations comes out.

In my last immersion in that tropical paradise, I celebrated the passion and dedication with which I have traveled this period of my life and the roles I have had to play to continue twinning with my Shadow and from there increase my radiance, in every breath of my existence.

In the photos some moments of that silent well-being saying goodbye to the old year and welcoming 2024, already on January 2nd my husband had to go to work, while I enjoyed, the apartment in the hotel during that week.

And you... what ritual do you keep with your partner on weekend holidays?


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Any images in this post are taken with my iPhone 12, the Infinix pro-note 30 or with the camera eighties Rolleiflex 2.8 f, and edited with Canva

Icons by: Icofinder

Separator made with Canva by @janitzearratia

Translation with |DeepL
