It roars like a lion ...


Every man is evolving in his trial and error, in the experiences and learnings, becoming aware that there is pain and suffering inside himself/ herself, at least I also decide to assume with integrity and discover that under that pain there is a gift of life that teaches me to excel, to learn and only I have the solution to each of the circumstances that present themselves to me.

There is an inner force inside us so strong that it roars like a lion, it is just waiting for us to discover it and put it into practice.

Is to know how to understand and understand who I AM, what I am made of, and that only the ignorance of not knowing who I am? it is what leads me many times on the wrong paths, and that I go through life like "straw dragged by the wind" without knowing where I am going, but when I wake up from the Mayan dream I realize that I am invincible, powerful, valuable and that everything is possible when I believe and act from the purest thing I have, LOVE with its four letters.

I think we should review our beliefs about life, relationships, love, it gives us the opportunity to rethink our convictions.

It is also true that the pain itself is not who teaches you, it simply points you to where the wound is, it is what happens right after overcoming it, and what we decide to transform into where we can find learning, or not?

As someone who knew more than me said: When the student is ready, the teacher appears. And I wonder: if it is not that the teacher disappears, then when is the student ready? This post that I am writing makes me analyze and reconsider the way many of us have lived and have seen personal growth, maturity over the years.

Hard times should be a motivation, not a way to live.

I do not believe in beatings, mistreatment, abuse to learn, nor in suffering or emotional torture for the sake of growing up in life.

For me, personal growth and evolution has to do with the hope of motivation and faith in oneself to grow. And not only this, I also believe in the intelligence that leads us to solving problems in the way we consider they can be solved.

Nor do I think that pain is an executor of teaching, I think rather that it is pleasure, happiness, optimism, experience and well-being.

Many people, especially the Stoics, think that it is strength that can cut corners and I don't think so, it is rather the fact of assuming life with the contingencies that are presented and how we have the ability to overcome it, and that we have the tools to be able to do so.

Although we can learn from experiences that have caused us suffering at the time, it is NOT thanks to this that we can have personal growth.

Our growth is determined rather by our ability to make good use of internal and external resources to adapt, be resilient and overcome ourselves.

People think that when they reach a certain age they shouldn't keep growing, all my friends always ask me for help because they don't know anything because everything seems difficult to them and they tell me oh friend I'm old and I tell them and what does age have to do with it?.

The one who does evil does not know that good is better, I have zero doubts, about it.

I am totally convinced that there is a masterful formula for personal growth. And it's not necessarily linked to suffering. How do you grow up? By hook or by crook? Let's talk in comments, and share our experience.

Janitze 🌹

Any images in this post are taken with my iPhone 12, the Infinix pro-note 30 or with the camera Rolleiflex 2.8 f, and edited with Canva

Separator made with Canva by @janitzearratia

Translation with |DeepL


Nicely written!❤️❤️❤️

You've broadly spoken on one of my personal quotes "suffering does not guarantee success".
I believe in experiences, and the things we learned while suffering or having hard times. That is what builds us, give us strength and the wisdom to solve certain problems.

...understand who I AM, what I am made of, and that only the ignorance of not knowing who I am?

I agree with you 💯
WHO I AM is a question every successful person must have a reply to.


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That's what it's about dreaming with your eyes open and in constant action, perseverance, perseverance and discipline, as well as many other values to know Who I am?

Thank you very much for your kindness in your comments @phyna
