The last generation: Is the end of the world just around the corner?



Our generation (X), the one that now has silver hair, or has disappeared, even...!, dyed to simulate the effects of the passing years; has heard that the end of days is near. Who knows for sure? I can neither affirm it nor deny it.

Sometimes I hear my wife say: I knew it since childhood. That's why I didn't want to reach 50 (now she is close to 60).

And the fact is that, through different audiovisuals, traditional and ultra-modern social networks, we are told repeatedly, and based on the vision of a reality focused on a planet heading towards self-destruction.

Fear then spreads in the face of images of natural catastrophes. There is a proliferation of visionaries opposed to scientists, but this time aligned with the same tonic of climate change. Genocidal wars, which are not felt in the flesh, which first impact world public opinion, are diminishing until they become marginal in the collective conscience of those who do not suffer them just around the corner. Needless to say, the threat coming from outer space: Apophis or Magog, celestial bodies so baptized, by ancient mythologies that feed people's anxiety in the supposed imminence of fateful prophecies.

I also hear others argue, based on the experiences of those who preceded them, that these are mere hoaxes, mere hoaxes to frighten those with infantile minds. Are they right? He reiterated: I do not know.

In any case, to a simple observation, it seems that every beginning has an end within a cyclical system in permanent renewal. Perhaps it is only an illusion centered in a tiny part of the universe. By the way, now there is speculation of multiple universes and even metaverses beyond time and space. What madness, no!

Meanwhile, you, at this very moment, are reading me. Perhaps, savoring a delicious cup of coffee, or drinking a refreshing glass of water, you will say: What difference does it make? Living in the here and now, unable to do anything, if, in truth, Apophis is over our heads, on a collision course. Questions such as: what will become of humanity? They become meaningless, at the moment of transcendence and impotence. When one is young, death is seen as distant, and when one is close to it, many regret what was not done when one was young. Few stop to think that death accompanies us at all times, only that for some reason elusive to our understanding, it does not charge instantly. Perhaps it is because of the purpose of life.

Much to our regret, they will all live out the end of their days. So, there is no point in martyring ourselves over it. On the other hand, I understand why many say they are not afraid of death itself, but of the pain in the process. Yes, one thing life has taught us, is that everything passes. Even it.

I would not like to end these brief reflections with a somber, fatalistic, or pessimistic tone. On the contrary, I want to highlight the beauty of existence, of the insignificant, insignificant details. Yes, bad events happen, but if you take stock of your own experience, I assure you that goodwill predominates. Don't you believe me? How many are capable of reading this writing at this very moment, when you are breathing the air that is given to you without charging you a cent? Think of the blind, of those who do not have a cell phone, of those who, having one, do not know how to make the most of it. You see. In this sense, one should be grateful for the little or the much that one has.

I know you know this, not for nothing are you from Generation X, and if not, I advise you to learn from it, your link to the recent past. As the sun will appear or hide, sooner than you think, you will be receiving the baton from your progenitors, and if you are one of the lucky ones, you will still be thinking about when it will all end, in a great cataclysm. In the meantime, live with healthy intensity, trying to be the best version of yourself, for your benefit and the benefit of others.


Original content by @janaveda in Spanish and translated to English with (free version)

Image by Sammy-Sander on Pixabay

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