Napoleon The Great by Andrew Roberts


Not So Long Ago

Sydney Gazette Sun 30 Dec 1804

I'd heard about Napoleon but I'd never deep dived into his story.

I remember seeing, advertised on childhood comic books, featuring figurines of soldiers, cavalry and canon, that could be purchased to create your own battlefield of forces.

In my mind, it felt like it was an era set in the 1600s.

However, as I was digging into old newspapers from the 1800s, it wasn't that long ago - only a few generations.

So much in this book, I don't know where to begin


It is such a thick book that covers the entire lifetime of Napoleon.

The way the book is written makes most parts very easy reading.

The difficult part is that I sidetracked many times.
I want to know what a word means. Or find out more about an event, a person mentioned, or where a place is situated on the world map.

Then you find facts jump at you, such as, Napoleon was actually average height. He was 5 foot 6 inches.
However, his death certificate stated, 5 foot 2 inches, due to the different units of measurement that countries had.
But, the English, who always enjoyed defaming their enemies, ensured that the public thought that Napoleon was a very short man.

I didn't know that Napoleon was from Corsica.


Also, when they said Napoleonic Bees, I didn't realise that it was actual Bees! Even the cover of the book has the flag design of Napoleon, "N", with his Bees.


Even the flag of Elba contains the Bees.
Napoleon improved the island when he was exiled there.


I guess what I am saying is that everybody's experience from reading this book will be different.
Gosh, even re-reading a page provided a fact that I didn't see the first time.

Battles and Maps and the Movie

Napoleon's military ability was where he excelled.
It kept his enemies at bay for many years.

The book contains some very useful battle maps.


The Movie

I do recommend doing some reading about Napoleon before watching the recent cinema release.
It helps provide depth to appreciate more the context of the situation.
Even my daughter, who I thought would be bored from the movie, was inspired to do her own reading about Napoleon - a person who she had no idea ever existed.

Napoleon: The Lucky, Hard Working, Persevering

There was as much charisma, hard work, and plain luck, that enabled Napoleon to rise to become Emporer.
There were many times he could have died in battle, been assassinated, fallen ill, or have been killed by his captors.

However, he just steam rolled through. Riding horses, writing letters, holding meetings, leading cavalry charges, focusing on the most important to the most mundane task.

Even the journey when he escaped exile, returned to France with a small force, eventually, retaking control as he avoided capture, gathering a momentum that drew soldiers to him.


Even at the beginning of his career in Artillery, he would often say he was sick so he could deal with family matters in Corsica.
The only reason he was able to get permission was due to a complicit doctor, accepting commanders, and a lack of good artillery personnel in the Army.

Napoleonic Standard

Napoleon rarely slept. Most times he would fall asleep in his chair, mid meeting, for ten minutes or so, wake up full of energy and continue the meeting.

He challenged the Bourbon way of existence and changed the very fabric of society.
The rule of the Royal families were changed.
The establishment of many bureaucratic processes and Laws remained long after Napoleon died.
The formation of armies into Corps became a European Standard due to the flexibility it provided to large forces.

As with all "dictators" in power, they try to control by Will alone.
Many of his initiatives just drove wedges between Allies, and Enemies.
He tried to force the English Sea Merchants out of European business in the hopes that it would cause French Industry to excel.
It had the opposite effect, led to smuggling, backroom deals between countries, and fomented further conflict.


St Helena

His final period was on the island of St Helena.
It was in the middle of nowhere.


Again, reading the book opened my eyes to more information that I knew.

England sent many political dissenters there. Sending their problem to a location that could be easily guarded, shipping lane resupplied, and would provide no possibility of escape.

Even Napoleon's death led to controversy as to what his tombstone would read.

The English wanted it to plainly say, Napoleon, whereas, the French wanted it to say Emporer Napoleon.

So, he was buried with neither.


Les Invalides

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When I visited France many years ago.

The Arc De Triomphe stood out as a magnificent monument. The biggest I had ever seen.

Another was my visit to Les Invalides where Napoleon's Tomb is.


History Repeats so why not see what is coming

I recommend the book for anyone keen to deep dive into Napoleon and the world of the 1700-1800s.

You can just read parts that flow nicely for you.
I endeavoured to read the whole thing, however, the book is split into 3 parts, representing the different periods of Napoleon's life.

You can bite off some parts, have a mull over it. Then you can bite of another part.
I think it can be read piecemeal quite easily.

I thoroughly enjoyed the book.

And even though Frederick the Great, Napoleon and Hitler, all knew of what the Russian Winter could inflict upon an Army, yet, they thought they could command the Gods by Will alone.

Too many died. Not just from Battle, but the environs and diseases along the way.
The World changed - I guess it had to.
Maybe, it is a human condition that some ideas are worth dying for.




Napoleon was from Corsica, wow! The flag has Bees in it, the story of Napoleon has so much to tell, it's a good thing you visit and read a lot about it.


It was an amazing thing to learn. Then to find where Corsica is.
The politics of never really feeling part of France, wanting their independence, and dabbling with competing powers.


Napoleon's father was part of the Civil Administration and was seen as betraying the Rebels that were trying to fight for independence.

Napoleon saw the Rebel leader, Pasquale Paoli, as his hero but changed his point of view over time.

There is so much in the book.


Then, there is side information such as the portable library that Napoleon had with his caravan.
He was a prolific reader of History, Military Tactics, Poetry and Literature.

He admired Caesar & actually spent time with the poet, Goethe.

He even arrested the Pope at one point.

Also, when he took over a city/country, he implemented efficient bureaucracy, promoted freedom, built hospitals and schools, and improved the infrastructure of the populations. (But it all came at the cost of lives during battle).

When he went to Egypt he brought along a team of scholars, artists, scientist, and so on, to record the expedition.

All of this, I did not know!


Wow! This is truly something hidden, but you brought it to my noticed, thanks you.
