Censorship , just like History, Repeats


My Brain takes me to a Heretical Place


The "Global Elite" seem fixated on moving the World Agenda forward.

The lockstep, uniformed, march towards a Standardised existence.

  1. Environment
  2. Censorship
  3. Population
  4. Financial System

It seems to want to encroach upon how people live within a digitised world.

This is done by using two very simple techniques; Divide & Conquer, and Control.

Divide & Conquer


We all can peruse History books and wonder,
"How was this allowed to happen?".

We can look all concerned. Then, we breathe a sigh of relief. Luckily, this can never happen in our new found wisdom.

But, we were recently segregated, globally.
Jabbed vs Unjabbed. The new version of segregation - divide & conquer.

The modern method used - Science.

The weapon wielded, Fear.
Fear of the unknown. The unseen. The virus.

If only I do "X", then it will save me from "Y"!

We become so focused on avoiding "Y", that we fail to see the inconsistencies around us.
Those that do question the narrative, are chastised, punished, spoken down to, and ostracised.

It leads to one group policing another.

Insert new concern, Climate, Gender, Opinion, Politics, Culture, Skin Colour, Interpretation of History, an endless list of polarising topics - and we all create a battleground.

But, we are fighting to win what? Consensus? Reduction of our Fears? Limit that which we feel will destroy us?


That is when, those who are "untouchable" to the masses, those, who control the "weapons", act.
They, whoever has Power and Influence, then roll out their Plan.

It doesn't have to be in concert. It doesn't have to be an intricately organised Cabal. It just needs to have a common motivation.

For example, if a small Town has 4 petrol stations. If all 4, without even a discussion, realise that the nearest competition is far enough, that they can collude on price.
The small town people would have to realise that they are being over charged - but at what price point would it take for people to realise?

If the balance of power is in a small group, the size of the influence just increases in magnitude. The result is still the same - at what point does it get people to react in their interests? At what point do they look to Universal interests?


People who live in Western Countries know that there are sweatshops that make the products that they use.
But, the products are still consumed.
The problem is too complicated, too far away, someone else's issue, oh damn they burnt my coffee, I might miss my football game... and so on.



Fortunately, our Human Nature, via our Conscience, cannot endure being pushed too far in one direction.

That is how we grow.

We are constantly filtering, deciphering, questioning and comparing everything around us.
It is not without risk! Suicides, Regrets, Depression, Anxiety, and many other conditions, are a result of breaking under the strain of Life.
Also to note, the physical outcomes, body damage, sickness, the thing you caught in Vegas that didn't stay there, is also a result of Life demonstrating that we control very little.

Yet, we persevere.

We still soldier on. We still are willing to play the Heretic.

Heretic; a person who differs in opinion from established religious dogma



This whole brain-journey is from a result of reading the book, Lords of the Left-Hand Path.

The book focuses on a deep-dive into the Left-Hand Path.

Left Hand Path is a term used in occultism for one kind of spiritual path.

It covers the period of the Catholic Church, from 1100 AD, where the Church had consolidated Global Power, had questionable morals and ethics, and tried to destroy any opposition.

As with most movements, it looked inward, to shut down any competiting religions that broke any of its rules.


The Church then began the Inquisition to destroy Heretics.

It employed the Dominicans, and Fransicans, giving them the role of Inquisitors, to root out Heretics, convert them, destroy them, and take their wealth.
It also went beyond the Heretic. Family members, and enablers, were also within the auspices of the Inquisitor.


The Index of Codex Casanatensis, ms. 1730, is the Operation Manual of the Inquisitor.
Methodically, systematically, it sets out many of the crimes and punishments, to be implemented against Heretics.

The accomplices of the heretics have to be exacted from them by tortures.

The obstinate heretic is to be burned

The Noble intention for the Inquisition was to save the Souls from damnation.
How can you argue with that?
An unseen Fear.

The fact that the Church gain assets, power, and influence, was not to be questioned.
The Heretic had to be eliminated.

In other snapshots of History, replace, Heretic, with whatever you want.
Insert a Racial Group, A Religion, A Virus, A Skin Colour, A Political Party... you can justify anything.

The effect of punishing a particular Group, is that you silence many from speaking up. Sympathiser be damned.

Take a look at this painting depicting, the Burning at the Stake, Heretics.


See, you have the condemned.
Were they really guilty? Who knows.


But, this is a Systematic approach. You cannot just eliminate your opposition.
You need to provide a way of, "Saving the Repentors".
Much like in the book, 1984, where the admission of guilt, reforming, and returning them to the path. Albeit, with public display and re-education.

Here, Repenters, had to don pointy caps and be paraded around.


All of the actions done were condoned, and accepted, by the populace.


However, those in Power pass on, or get replaced. Public sentiment changes. Truth soldiers on.
Barbarity, seems to be intolerable, mostly.

That means that the next version of Tyranny must be with more Propaganda. It must use bloodless torture.

Less Blood, same Outcome


Government, Bankers, Judicial, Media, Corporate, and Science, will lead the next foray into "Soft" torture.

Technology now creates a State of Surveillance.

If you look at those above, it is in their interests to control the rest of us.
For our own good, of course.

The FIAT system is finished.
They have allowed the Debt based system to get out of control.
We, in the West, are feeling the pressures of "Inflation".
We are lied to about its source - ultimately, it is the result of the debt bubble doing what a bubble does - over inflates.

This will force the need to a Central Bank Digital Currency.
Then, and only then, can they create whatever version of, Tokenomics, to keep control on the Buying and Selling of everything.

Where it goes from there? That is where the Media comes in to Propagandise the direction.
Can they pull off another, Pandemic? That will enrich the Science Tsars. It can help create Vaxx Passports, to ensure a constant, SAAS (Science As A Service), revenue.
Would the majority of people really care?
Maybe. Maybe Not.

For the Naysayers?
Well, censorship laws, have now deemed what you said, "As Bad".
Wooops, you cannot access your bank account until you apologise about what you said.
For your own good.
For everyone's own good.

See, no bloodshed, just your misery. Well deserved misery.

All you have to do is follow these rules.
To where?
You don't have the Social Credit to even leave your apartment.

It's okay. Our mental health team will be there soon to fix your thinking.

Have a nice day!


