Hoplark Hop Tea: An Amateurish Tea Review


About 6 months ago, I reviewed some non-alcoholic beverages including two varieties of Hoplark Hop Tea. I still occasionally buy the tea. No calories, no artificial sweeteners, so what's not to like? Those were caffeinated, though, since they were brewed from black and green tea. What about an herbal alternative, and something that won't keep you awake?

How about two?

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If you can forgive calling a beverage not brewed from Camellia sinensis a "tea," I think you might like these. The hibiscus, er, "Mile-High-Biscus One" in particular has a very floral note. I don't know what Cashmere and Lemondrop hops are, but it tastes nice regardless. The chamomile "Calm One" uses Citra hops, and resembles the hop notes from many of the IPAs I have liked. Neither is overpoweringly hopped, though, as both rank only "A wee bit" on the birdhouse of bitterness.

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How about a bonus, though? The Citra Bomb One packs a punch with lots of Citra hops and 30 mg of caffeine from white tea for a strange blend of subtle tea and bold hops. "Whoa," indeed! I dig it, though.

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If you're looking for a new take on iced tea, an alternative to energy drinks, or a beer substitute that doesn't leave you drunk but still has some hops, I recommend any of these I have tried.

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Sounds like some tasty alternatives to beer. Looks like they get distributed to some local grocery stores, I'll have to seek them out!


I'll have to give one of these a try. I usually stick to ordinary tea, but these look interesting. And the amount of caffeine in tea rarely keeps me awake.
