Apocalyptic Homesteading (Day 1250)

Hello Everyone!

A good night's rest, Taking a day off, Lots of communication, Hearing from the electrical engineer & Plans to move all the critters!

Alright, I am beginning my writing routine slightly early tonight... just because I can! I probably could have zoned out a bit more before starting... but decided not to risk letting myself slip into procrastinating getting started.

Last night I slept super soundly and even managed to get to bed at a reasonable hour... which was super awesome considering just how little sleep I had gotten the night before. It is also worth noting that I only noticed one more flea (after those other two that I mentioned in yesterday's entry) so I guess that my paint job did the trick.

When I woke up this morning though... I was feeling super worn out from everything that I did yesterday... and having burned through most of my food supply (again) I decided to just take it easy today. All of which of course gave me plenty of time to do my usual Hive engagement routine... as well as taking care of a few correspondences that I have been putting off doing.

I know that I have mentioned it before... but having to communicate with folks so much (and keep my phone handy) has been a massive change for me... and although I have no complaints about communicating with folks... it sure is way outside the norm. I do dislike how it has tugged at my old phone addiction strings... but I guess that is just a good reminder of how deep of an addiction that I was dealing with when I first broke said addiction.

At one point today I got a call from the engineer from the electric company... and to say that I was excited to hear from them would be a massive understatement given how crucial getting power installed at the new place is for what I am trying to do there. In short the fella was quite pleasant (much like all the other folks I have had to talk with to get the ball rolling at the new place) and he informed me that if they did not need to run the line more than one hundred feet (thirty point four eight meters) that it was free.

All of which was very good news to my ears to say the least... because I was deeply concerned over the cost of having to either run a long line or get a new transformer installed. To be clear I do not know yet if the spot where it will be ran to will fall into that one hundred foot range... but I am pretty sure that it will be given all the measurements that I have done with online maps and such.

If all goes well the engineer will visit the site next week... and stake out the spot for the electrician to put in the breaker panel pole with the RV outlet and meter on it. To keep things as simple as possible, I told the engineer that whatever would be the easiest spot for them to set things up at would be fine with me... and whether doing it above ground (or below ground) would be easier to just do it as they see fit to do also.

Anyways, another conversation that I had today was with one of the folks that are going to help me move... and although we traversed a wide range of topics we initially discussed some of the logistics behind moving me, the gear and all the critters. We got things sorted out pretty good as far as my elder dog goes so that she can ride in the second vehicle... but have yet to figure out the best way to haul the chickens.

The best solution that we came up with in regards to the chickens is to perhaps rent either a flatbed or cargo trailer (to attach to the moving truck) so that they are not in the rear of the truck. I know that it adds some cost in both trailer rental fees (and extra fuel to haul the trailer) but ultimately I think that it is going to be the best route.

I know that the last time that I moved we were able to haul them in the rear of the moving truck... but when we did that it was during the autumn (when things were much cooler) and a good bit of the drive time was after sunset. Considering that today it hit eighty-nine degrees here (thirty-one point six degrees Celsius) and April is barely halfway over... I am thinking that by late May (when I move) it is going to be much hotter.

One big advantage of utilizing the trailer is that I will also not have to 'play tetris' too much when packing the moving truck... and can perhaps put some of the bulkier items on (or in) the trailer. So things like the wagon, my new sled and the sawhorses would be super easy to unload... which would be good because they are a few things that I will immediately need when we start unloading the truck itself at the new site.

Well, I think it is time to wrap this entry up... and get on with the editing and posting portion of my evening. I hope that everyone is doing well and all that feel good jazz. Ta ta for now.

My shade grown black locust are really starting to put out some foliage!

Thanks for reading!

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Cheers! & Hive On!

All content found in this post is mine!


How do you say it, if God wills it, it will be, or something like that, well He willed it, there is no doubt about it. What a huge relief that the electricity could be put there for free. I know you must feel like a million pounds have been lifted from your shoulders, I know I feel that way. :)


The Stephen King quote goes: There will be water if God wills it.

Yeah at least on the power company side it will be free if the measurements are what I think they are from the pole. I will still have to pay the electrician his labor and for the permit (which I think is five hundred dollars) plus I have to pay for the pole, the breaker panel and outlet. I am anticipating that all of that combined will be somewhere north of two thousand but not more than five thousand. I will be able to get a quote from the electrician once the engineer marks the spot.


oh, I did not understand, I thought it was all going to be free, that is a bummer but I am not giving up Faith on you getting it all, I was watching Homestead Rescue where Arched Cabins donated a home kit have you heard of them https://www.archedcabinsllc.com/ I know it is a tv show but I read that they do donate to needy people, what do you think about it


I figured that you had misunderstood. I will check that out and see.


And I am happy you painting the mattress worked on the fleas.
