Concurso. Observa Piensa Escribe.//Contest. Watch Think Write.[ESP/ENG]
Hola. Esta es mi participación en @TopFamily en el concurso Observa Piensa Escribe
Hi. This is my @TopFamily entry in the Watch Think Write contest.

Looking at this picture, I see that it is a small cake, it was baked very well, it just opened at the top,
As I think about it, these little words came to me.
Comenzaron a contestar el mensaje que envíe por WhatsApp. Decidimos que nos encontraríamos el día sábado a las 2:00 en la casa de las catequistas. Todas me contestaron. La Señora Flor va a llevar el quesillo, otra va a llevar otra torta pequeña como la de la foto.
Yo voy a llevar un tipo brazo gitano, como se llama aquí en Venezuela. Les cuento que yo no he hecho una torta así grande como la que quiero hacer. Espero me quede bien, porque nadie más dijo llevar torta.
They started to answer the message I sent by WhatsApp. We decided to meet on Saturday at 2:00 at the catechists' house. They all replied. Mrs. Flor is going to bring the quesillo, another one is going to bring a small cake like the one in the photo.
I am going to bring a kind of gypsy arm, as it is called here in Venezuela. I tell you that I have never made a cake as big as the one I want to make. I hope it looks good, because no one else said they were bringing a cake.
Siempre que nos reunimos para celebrar los cumpleaños de las compañeras del grupo Caritas.
Siempre que nos reunimos para celebrar los cumpleaños de las compañeras del grupo Caritas.
Es bonito y quiero que esta vez sea igual de bonito y con muchas cosas para compartir. Otra de las muchachas dijo que llevaría un pan dulce, otra va a llevar el refresco, galletas dulces, galletas saladas con crema salada y otra con antipasto, Tostones.
Ya se sabe todo lo que van a llevar ahora esperar el día sábado.
It's nice and I want it to be just as nice this time and with lots of things to share. Another girl said she will bring a sweet bread, another one will bring the soft drink, sweet cookies, crackers with salty cream and another one with antipasto, Tostones.
We already know what they are going to bring, now we wait for Saturday.
The day arrived and we were able to sing birthdays to the two friends and share a nice time with them.
Llego el día y le pudimos cantar cumpleaños a las dos amigas y compartir un rato agradable entre compañeros.
The day arrived and we were able to sing birthdays to the two friends and share a nice time with them.
The picture was taken with my Tecno Spark cell phone