Retirement is not an idea in the life of a world changer.
Keep the light until the last day.
Retirement is never an option for a world changer. Our world is full of uncertainties, unpredictable challenges, and unimaginable outcomes. To be a world changer, one must be prepared to persevere, as unseen obstacles will arise to hinder progress.
A conversation with two elderly men opened my eyes to the reality of life. Both men had achieved comfort and success, but their mindsets differed. One believed his best days were behind him, and it was time to rest and enjoy the fruits of his labor. He felt those he had mentored should now take the reins.
"I've done a lot and need rest," he said. "Those I've brought this far should now take care of me." His reason was simple: he had grown old and no longer had the strength to carry out his duties.
In contrast, the other elderly man saw himself as still strong and agile, ready to unfold hidden potential. He believed there was no rest until his last day on earth and that he was responsible for guiding his subordinates until they grew old.
What struck me was his unwavering dedication, even when nature seemed to suggest otherwise. He still believed in his strength, despite physical limitations.
The encounter taught me a valuable lesson: keeping the heart of a world changer is crucial. By doing so, we can empower the younger generation to flourish beyond their expectations.