Hive Naija weekly prompt 74. Prepare the children's mind before hand.


There was a time when parents would say they are still kids, allowing them to grow to a certain age before you expose them to some of these things helps keep them in place.

“What are these things?” The kind of business you do, The kind of family they find themselves in, and things that will help even the children themselves something like sex education etc.

The reason behind keeping these things away from the children is that it will deviate the children's attention from focusing on growth but trust me, these things are also paths to growth.


Ignorance makes some of these children go out of hands following the wrong path all in the name of inquiry and most times many find themselves in the wrong destination which has destroyed lives already simply because there was no guide.

To me there is no better time to tell or teach your children the kind of business you do than when they are still very young and that is if the kind of business you do is LEGAL and not the other way round.

I sometimes regret some moments in my life. I tag it a waste of time. That's because if I had known what I knew now some 15 to 20 years ago, trust me I would have been 10x better than I am now.
All these balls down to my parents, something they would have introduced me to when I was still tender that would have helped my adulthood was hidden simply because they saw it as a distraction to my growing path. Some basic skills I would have learned were restricted.

This was because my parent were in the average level in terms of financial stability so they considered some of those skills as something only the less privilege will acquire, as time turns out the less privileged people are now the ballers in town because they learnt these skills at the time they were supposed to learn and for us in the middle class we couldn't go back to learn simply because we have grown pass the level and all we need now is a means to survive and not start learning again. Even though they said learning never ends, there is what we call Time factor. Once the time is ahead all you need to do is try as much as possible to catch up, so you move with the little you have acquired trying to make the most of it.

Teach the children your kind of business at the tender level and watch them grow with it making themselves better than you in the nearest future and not only making them better they help you to grow the business as multiple hands can cover more work. The involvement of the children gives room for the growth of the business.

What our then parent saw as distraction never knew it will even help to engage most children for the better thereby taking away their minds from all forms of negativity as all they will always think positive and that will be how to be better than they are if you don't engage then they will engage themselves and trust me you won't like it when they do it themselves.

Please do Introduce them as it makes them Independent, that's not waiting for any government or individual to give them a job before they can achieve goals in life.

Teach them while they are still young
Teach them while they are still young
Teach them while they are still young
Teach them while they are still young

And I say it again with a loud voice.


Thank you.


I can relate to that feeling of wishing you had been exposed to some things when you were younger but still, your parents did what they thought was the best for you.

Sometimes we learn good lesson the hard way and I believe you will do things differently with your kids.
