[Ecency contest] Complete the tale.

I woke up to find a note on my pillow, you have 24 hours.
The first line made sleep wiped off my eyes as my eyes were wide open, who could have written this and what does the person want? I am sure the letter was thrown into my room from the window at night.

My Image

Fear gripped my heart as I hesitated to read on, but I knew I had to know what was expected of me within the given timeframe. I took a deep breath and continued reading.

“ Please use the time frame given to you to find yourself a new apartment as I will no longer tolerate your nonchalant attitude, I am sick and tired of your troubles.”

Waw!!! This must be coming from the landlord but then I have never engaged myself in any act of causing troubles, I guess this letter is in the wrong room whoever delivered this must have mistaken me for someone else.

This must be about the incident that happened yesternight when some of my neighbours engaged themselves in a fight that almost cost damages on some of the landlord's property.

The situation was brought under control as the police intervened.
I was sitting in my room when the police asked me to go with them to the station for questioning. After so many questions, they asked us to write a statement on what happened.

I wrote mine stating how I was in my room all through the fight without knowing what caused it, who started it or even who was involved in it.

We were asked to go home but then the police asked that we keep our phones with them so we could report the next day for further questioning. Those who held their phones with them did as I have nothing to keep with them I walked home freely knowing fully well that nothing is bringing me back to the station the next day.

What even amazes me the most is the fact that those engaged in The fight are nowhere to be found.

The letter continues, “ I don't care if you were involved in the fight that happened yesterday or not but please I am begging you to park out in peace in order to avoid humiliation and embarrassment”. This part told me that this same kind of letter has been given to everybody in the house.

But then how do I use this short period of time to find a new house?
Where do I get the money to pay for the new apartment?
I questioned myself, how do I explain this to my father. The question kept coming and I was already making up my mind to face whatever consequences that will come if one doesn't adhere to the instructions in the letter.

But then my heart melted when I read the last statement in the letter and it stated “failure to move out within 24 hours is at your risk, so whatever you see with your eyes you take it”.

That statement sounds diabolical and life threatening for the fear of the unknown.

As it's always said prevention is better than cure.


Your story makes us think about many important things. Thank you!


Prevention is better than cure. Hope they will refund your rent or do you pay on a daily basis?
