Destroyed The Viviro Plant Camp and Stopped Castilo's Drug Supply. Far Cry 6.


Hello guys

My last mission was a huge damage for Castilo to handle, but since it was a mission to get that depleted uranium, they didn't think it was the work of the Guerrilla Force. So, we decided to make our presence known and it was also necessary to stop their production and supply of Viviro.

So, I went on my mission to destroy their plant. The flamethrower that Juan made me was really useful against those enemies with poison tanks. Cause that poison gas is highly flammable and it's easier to kill them with the flamethrower. I also got to see the power of the new super-weapon called Supremo. You'll get to see that in action at the very end of the video.

It was a very long and hard mission to complete and there were a lot of things that needed to be done to complete it. I hope you will like it. I've uploaded it on my YouTube channel and attached it below.

Thank You
