I choose Life over Death for the sake of balance

Jesus already gave his life for the world and his sacrifice is enough. This is what I would say to anyone who suggests or insinuates that giving my life would make everyone on the planet happy.
In all my years, I have only chased two things; money and happiness and I have not successfully been able to get them to my satisfaction. I also need that happiness that I am being asked to die for.

I may sound selfish now but the truth is, the world is an ungrateful place with a good amount of ungrateful people who may likely not remember me again or may even begin to doubt the sacrifice after I have made it. If I was asked to make such a sacrifice for my family alone, nuclear, and extended, then I could consider it knowing fully well that they would appreciate such a huge sacrifice and I would become a legend on the lips of my relatives but for the whole world? No, I'll pass.

I think that all of the negative things that happen in the world help to strike a balance in the world. In my opinion, if the world gets a means to get rid of hunger, poverty, and other vices or sufferings then other worse ones would begin to cause strife, and eventually what I would have done from the goodness of my heart would become a curse.

If there were no more sickness and pain in this world, a lot of people would become unhappy, for example, the doctors. People who love taking care of other people, people who got into this line of field to make great achievements, all of that would cease to exist, meaning that a group of people who actually become unhappy.

I also think that if poverty is completely alleviated then greed and discontent would set in. Since nobody would be poor again, then everybody would have some money, and there would be no house help, shoe menders, and many other important menial jobs we have now. The problem would be that there would be no one willing to serve another person, that's pride and ego setting in and the result would cause many terrible things to happen.

Besides, there is no guarantee that even after such a huge sacrifice, hunger and sickness would completely leave this world. I would not even have the means to see what the sacrifice I have made would result in.

There are so many other ways to make the world a better place. Many of the people who are suffering today are suffering because of a wrong choice they made or a bad decision they took and if they are not allowed to face the consequences of their actions, they would never learn.

If poverty, sickness, and diseases are completely taken away, some people would become totally reckless with their lives. Spend the way they like and do whatever they deem fit simply because they know there is nothing severe that could happen to them.

Such sacrifice may seem like the best decision taken but eventually, it may turn out to be the worst. A lot of lives would definitely be saved but a lot of people would become useless. There would be no need to put in hard work for anything, and neither would there be a need to become responsible.

When I think about it, the disadvantages are way more than the advantages and it seems like a sacrifice that would not be worth giving my life for.

My life is precious and if well invested in, could even impact more lives positively than if I had sacrificed it.

Maybe if someone else is willing to lay down their lives for this noble cause so I can see what it would eventually result in, well, then I can get convinced that the sacrifice is worth it and even carry out the sacrifice myself when I have achieved all that there is to achieve within my reach.

Personally, I don't think the world needs someone to take all their pains and suffering away because like I said before, Jesus already did that and they do not even appreciate it to a large extent. What most people need now is to take responsibility for their lives.

They should strive to groom themselves into better people. Yes, sickness may come and destabilize plans that have been made, several things may interfere with our lives but with God on our side, we would end up successful.

Life cannot be perfect no matter how we try to cheat to make it so. The rich also cry and the poor also laugh, this is what brings balance to the world. If the system of the world is distorted, things may take an ugly turn.


You're correct. We need to accept the fact that the problems of the world are a "we" problem and we have to fix it together. It's not something one person should take on themselves.


We have to join hands in agreement to make it work. It's not a one man thing.
Thank you for the support


You are absolutely right, I will also choose my life. Let my maker call me home anytime He wishes but to sacrifice my life for this perverse world, it a big NO!


At this point, it's any time our maker wishes He calls us.
Thank you for reading and the support.
