My Hydroponic Garden Conditions at the End of June - Preparation for Kangkong and Pakcoy Harvest
Hello Gardeners
How are you today ? I hope and pray that all of us will always be given health and happiness in living this life. I am also very happy, given the time and opportunity to be able to participate and contribute to the Hive Garden Community again. As usual, I will share stories about my experiences and activities this week in my hydroponic garden.
Since I have been active in blogging activities on Hive. One of my most consistent and regular content is about hydroponic gardening. As long as I can remember, I started gardening activities with a hydroponic system in early 2016 and am still doing it until 2023. It seems, time goes by really fast because it's been almost seven years. If I compare my hydroponic garden to a baby born in 2016, by now that baby will have gone to elementary school.
My hydroponic garden is also experiencing better growth and development. When I started this, I only did it with two planting mediums totaling 30 pots. Currently, I already have around 1800 netpots with various hydroponic growing media. Of course, one of my passions and made me consistent about gardening with this hydroponic system, was when I started actively making hydroponic weekly journals at Hive. I have to try to keep my garden active and looking beautiful with a consistent growing of vegetables. Like the condition of my hydroponic garden this week, stay tuned.
Condition of Kangkong in My Hydroponic Garden
I will invite my friends to see the condition of the kangkong that I planted in my hydroponic garden. In my hydroponic garden this time, I have kangkong with two different planting periods.
First, the kangkong which looks tall and ready to be harvested. This kangkong grows very well and optimally, if friends still remember my post last week. This kangkong is growing very fast and it surprised me. It only takes about 22 days to get kangkong with this growth. My plan, on Tuesday I will do the harvesting for all of these kangkong. From my estimate, I will get about 6 kilograms of kangkong in this planting period.
Then, I also have around 150 pakcoy pots with a planting age of about 12 days after sowing. The kangkong that I planted in this period also grew very well and optimally. The growth of this kangkong looks very uniform and it looks like next week, this kangkong will be ready for me to harvest.
All of these kangkong look very beautiful and green growth. I did replace the kangkong seeds with products from a new seed company. The kangkong that I bought is a product called Kangkong Mahar which is the newest kangkong seed product from PT. East West Seed, one of the best vegetable seed companies in my country.
Condition of Pakcoy in My Hydroponic Garden
Next, I will invite my friends to see the condition of the pakcoy that I planted in my hydroponic garden. Pakcoy is one of the favorite vegetables for hydroponic farmers in Indonesia. This vegetable can be grown in the lowlands and highlands, pakcoy is also not too difficult to cultivate and most importantly the price of this vegetable is stable.
Currently, the pakcoy that I planted is about 42 days old after sowing. If friends pay attention, the pakcoy that I planted is very large and suitable for harvesting. Some pakcoy look bigger than others, this is very reasonable because not all vegetable growth at this age will be uniform.
During this planting period, I used a hydroponic liquid fertilizer with a concentration of around 1000-1100 ppm. I'm trying to reduce the use of hydroponic liquid fertilizer to reduce production costs. Fertilizer prices that continue to rise and are out of control make hydroponic farmers have to be even more creative.
This week, I also did a pakcoy seed nursery to replace the pakcoy that I will harvest this time. I sowed around 300 pakcoy seeds during this period. The growth of these pakcoy seeds does not seem too optimal, only about 65% of the pakcoy seeds can grow well and meet the requirements to be planted later.
Conditions of Lettuce in My Hydroponic Garden
Next, I will invite my friends to see the condition of the lettuce that I grow in my hydroponic garden. Lettuce is one of the favorite vegetables to grow in a hydroponic system. As one of the horticultural products, lettuce has several advantages such as excellent growing power and also lettuce is a vegetable that is rarely attacked by pests or caterpillars.
During this planting period, I have 650 pots of lettuce with different planting ages. First, I have 250 pots of lettuce which I grow on the second floor balcony of my house. Currently, the lettuce that I plant is about 22 days old after seeding. The growth of this lettuce looks optimal and very good. We can see from the green color of the leaves and also the beautiful curly texture of this lettuce. During this planting period, I used liquid fertilizer with a concentration of around 600-700 ppm and it seems that this method is very good.
I also have 400 pots of lettuce that I grow in my hydroponic garden. Currently, the salad that I planted is about 27 days old after sowing. This lettuce also grows very well and optimally, you can see it from the condition of the leaves which look fresh, green and very beautiful.
Lettuce is also a unique vegetable, as it grows slowly in the early weeks but grows faster and looks bigger after 30 days after sowing. I'm very curious, to see how the conditions and growth of this lettuce in the next week.
Mint Leaves Condition in My Hydroponic Garden
Finally, I will invite my friends to see the mint leaves that I grow in my hydroponic garden. This week, I am replanting some empty mint leaf pots. I use the nursery method by way of stem cuttings from the mint leaves. I sowed about 70 mint leaf seedlings and transferred some of the grown seedlings to my hydroponic medium.
It's been almost two weeks, I haven't harvested mint leaves. I'm trying to rejuvenate the mint leaves that I planted in the hope of getting better results in the future. I also try to regulate the proper levels of nutrition so that the growth of these mint leaves can be optimal.
Okay, hopefully I can contribute again next week. See you soon guys.

Call me Isdarmady, because I have a full name that is very long, namely Isdarmady Syahputra Ritonga. I am a head of the family who work as Farmers Vegetables Hydroponic and Consultant Hydroponics, sometimes I also sell coffee from various regions in Indonesia.
I have expertise dispensing coffee with a variety of techniques and tools brewing, because I have the desire to make a coffee shop with hydroponics as centerpieces. Help me realize that dream.
Thanks for read, vote, re-blog and support me in Hive. Maybe god will reward the kindness, let’s success together.
thank you very much @qurator and @ewkaw
Your fruitful project with hydroponics is wonderful. Dear hiver @isdarmady, Mint is rich in food. 😁
thank you for stopping by @hiramdo
I am very happy to be able to share stories and inspiration for colleagues.