Morning coffee



Nowadays my coffee routines have changed a lot. The passage of time has produced some disorders in my sleep, I go to bed relatively late, after one o'clock in the morning and I get up after nine o'clock, sometimes I get up at half past ten in bed.

At that time I feel like drinking a fruit juice, I do this a few minutes before I go for a two kilometers walk, it is my way to warm up my body and raise the energy for the rest of the day.

Then in the afternoon I do have a latte while chatting with my wife. That afternoon coffee always has the magical effect of lifting my spirits, actually my biorhythm works best between afternoon and evening. That's why I take my longest walks in the late afternoon.

It was different before retirement. In those years I had to get to the high school where I worked very early in the morning and it took me an hour to get there.

My day at that time varied depending on the activities my children had in the afternoon. On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays I had to take them to the swimming pool or to the music school.

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On those days my day started at four o'clock in the morning. I remember getting up very sleepy, washing my face with cold water to wake me up a bit, and going up the ten flights of stairs three times in the building where I lived. It was the only opportunity to get some exercise in those days.

Going up and down the stairs took me a little over forty minutes. I would enter my house and be greeted by the sweet smell of freshly brewed coffee that my wife had made. She liked to make it the traditional way, pouring the hot water into a cloth strainer where she poured the ground coffee.

That smell accompanied me to the shower, and while I bathed I only thought of the great pleasure I would get from a few sips of coffee. And that was just what I was doing, I barely had time to take two or three sips before leaving in a hurry to catch the first bus that would take me to work

On Tuesdays and Thursdays the routine was calmer, I got up a little later, around five in the morning. There I would go directly to heat the water for the coffee, and while it was heating I would wash my face. Sometimes my wife would stay in bed and I would brew the coffee, drinking a small cup slowly, feeling my energy rising. Those days I would arrive at the bus stop in a better mood.


On Saturdays and Sundays we almost never had morning coffee at home. Those were the days we used to do our shopping and take the kids to the park or to one of their sports competitions.

Those two days we all got up as late as we could, went to the street and had breakfast in a cafe, which could be in a supermarket where we did our shopping or in the cafes near the parks where the children played.

All those images are very clear in my memory, and as I write it impresses me to become aware of all the time that has passed since those days.

As I mentioned at the beginning, I now drink coffee only in the afternoon. From time to time to break the routine I tell my wife that we should go for a coffee in a coffee shop in the city where you can see the sunset, which in our city are usually very beautiful.

Thank you for your time.

Translated with (free version).

Images edited in Photoshop.

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All your comments are welcome on this site. I will read them with pleasure and dedication.

Until the next delivery. Thank you.

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The photos, the digital edition and the Gifs are of my authorship.

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The passage of time has produced some disorders in my sleep, I go to bed relatively late, after one o'clock in the morning and I get up after nine o'clock, sometimes I get up at half past ten in bed.

For someone, cafeine can make someone stay awake all night long but some people can not affect it. for me, Coffee in the late day is also make me stay awake until 1-2 a.m and make me late wake up. So I avoid to drink a coffee after 3 pm

I wish you always had a good time with your family and coffee. Nice story...


I'm glad you liked the publication. I don't drink coffee at night either, at that time I prefer a chamomile tea, it helps me relax. Thank you very much for stopping by and commenting dear @viviehardika . A big hug from Maracay.


The photo belongs to millycf1976 and was edited using Canva.


You know, the caffeine in coffee can make one stay awake unless you force yourself to sleep. I think even when you sleep late, you still maintain have an 8-hour sleep which is normal.

Having to shift your coffee drink to afternoon is a good one as that would also make you have time to do things you want and most importantly, being around your family over cups of coffee.


When I was a student, I drank a lot of coffee at night, which allowed me to study until late. Now I only drink it in the afternoon. Thank you very much for stopping by and commenting, dear @princessbusayo . A big hug from Maracay.


Our routines change over the years, the good thing is that our beloved coffee adapts to these changes and we can always enjoy it in one way or another.☕

Thanks for sharing your experience with us.☕

Good day.


Yes, now I drink coffee sporadically. Unless some friends come to visit me, in those cases I can have a few cups while we talk. Thanks for stopping by and commenting dear @rinconpoetico7 . A big hug from Maracay.


Hello, @irvinc
Certainly things change over time.
I identify with your story.
With the difference that I still drink my coffee early...and I exercise when it starts to get dark.


I'm sure you get up early. I don't like to exercise at night because it always scares me more sleepy.
Thanks for stopping by and commenting dear @sandracabrera . A big hug from Maracay
