Tough life lesson

Life is not a bed of roses & ups and downs both are part of life. This is the law of nature and no one can deny the reality. Nobody wants to encounter tough times but it comes automatically and naturally every tough time comes with lessons. Again most of the tough times make us strong.

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I am still 25 but I didn't struggle too much in my life according to my opinion. Maybe it's because I was only busy with my study or I was living a life of fantasy for a long period of time. I think I encountered only a few tough incidents and the most tough incident was the time when my mother was in hospital during the time of the pandemic. It was the time I was seriously helpless and my mother was struggling to survive. I have shared about it in a post. Almost I stayed in the hospital for 15 days and it was the first time I stayed in the hospital. So, It was naturally difficult to cope up with the situation. Moreover, I could not allow my father to take too much pressure because I was concerned about my father's health also. And as a result, most of the pressure was handled by me at that time. In that time I needed two kinds of support. One is financial and the another one is mental support.

In case of financial support I needed it as it was a sudden thing and withdrawing money from the bank was not possible because it was the time of the weekend and the bank was off. I asked for financial help from some close people and they directly refused to help. I felt a little heartbroken thinking that my father helped them many times in their crisis situation, not even considering whether they would return the money or not. A couple of times my family went through a financial crisis for it. It was the time I realized that people don't treat us like we treat them. I asked for temporary help and I believe my family deserves a little favor in the time of emergency. Close relatives just refused by showing excuses. That time I realized how helpful and kindful person my father is. Maybe he doesn't have huge money but he doesn't hesitate to help people even if he needs to suffer for it.

The another kind of help is mental help. I was very nervous and broken from the inside. I think if someone would say something positive, it would give me a lot of strength and courage. My mother was in a situation between life and death and no one bothered to make a phone call to ask about the condition of my mother. My mother was in the village and almost all the family members also were all acknowledged that my mother's condition was not so good and even they didn't bother to ask the condition what the situation was. I was hurt to encounter that kind of behavior from my close relatives. I think my father was more hurt to see that kind of behavior of family members. Only my grandmother (mother's mother) and my aunt tried to know the condition and tried to help me both mentally and financially.

It's said that we can understand the nature of humans in our tough times. I was living a world of fantasy before that and I thought many people care about us. But in the time when we were facing tough times, my fantasy world shattered and I realized the cruel real world. Whatever it was their choice and they had the right to do that. They forgot humanity and I realized that humanity disappeared from their heart at least for my family. It was a hard reality. In the past, I was expecting their concerns but that tough time made me realize I should not expect something from them and that thing made me strong enough to face that kind of situation alone. In fact, from the next time, I didn't inform them about any tough situation because I felt spending the little penny to call them was a waste of money. It was the incident that made me strong enough to handle the crisis and pressure situation with courage and not to expect help from others.

If you think that I violated any rules of this platform or my word hurting you or I made any mistakes here , let me inform about it through comments or my other social network . I will try to correct it if I made any mistakes.

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Yes bro you are right life is an ups and downs both are part of our life. Also, no one has the power to deny reality. What is real is always real. Neither past nor more past. By always keeping ourselves active in our conventional way of life, we can learn some of life's hard answers. which gives witness to our future generations. There are times in our lives that are more difficult to answer than difficult. Which makes us stronger most of the time. Also I can say that I always feel this difficult moment of yours. And I appreciate your hard work in my heart. In reality you are very busy yet you are one of this platform. May God always bless you with all abilities. Also respect your reality and your hard work.

best regards @mdakash62


Watching a loved one struggling to survive is one of the toughest experiences anybody can face, and it's great that your mom was able to pull through that. I have learned how to not depend on anybody from a very young age because most humans have a way of distancing themselves when tough times hit


I was not dependent on people but I think expecting the financial support wasn't wrong as my father helped them. I think we deserve it. If it was not weekend, I never asked for the help. But what about mental support? At least from the perspective of humanity I deserved it. Was I wrong to expect some mental support from my blood related person? My thoughts were logical but now I don't care about their support.


It is a sad reality of our society and sometimes it happens to us we often rely on others then they deserved and on the mean time our heart is broken just because of trust and expectations more than their need.


I believe I didn't expected huge. Forgot about finance. I expected some mental support from my blood related person and unfortunately ai didn't get the support also but I think expecting at least mental support was justified.


My relatives are the same they won’t bother to help but would give many suggestions which would not come in help. So sad to hear about your dear mom, I hope she is doing well now.



They didn't bother to make a call to ask about the condition of my mother, let alone help. Whatever, It was their choice and they could do it but they forgot the basic humanity. I also saw some people's true intentions.
And my mother is currently well and fine.



It is really heart breaking to see.the ones we love most be in a hospital bed. I have seen my mom fall sick before I got really scared because she have not eaten my money to the extent I want.

Thank you for sharing


Indeed it's a heart breaking situation. I wish nobody face that kind of situation. In that time I was totally helpless.


I have come to understand that in life, not everyone would treat you the same way you treat them and so, one shouldn't expect anything in return from them. One will be shocked to know that someone we believe wouldn't let us down is the same person who did. But life goes on. We shouldn't put our trust or hope in anyone.


What is the meaning of helping those people if they refuse to help in our crisis situation even if they are capable? Moreover, they were my blood-related relatives. I would not ask for financial help if the bank was on in that day. I deserve the help. My father may forget but I won't forget about the thing. In my lifetime I won't allow my father to help those people again who refused to help even if they were capable. They should taste the feeling that they give me. I would prefer to help a roadside poor human rather than help those people. Maybe I have taken the decision when I was emotional but even after 2 years I can't remember the matter. What about giving mental support? Didn't I deserve it from my blood-related family members? We ask about the condition of roadside accident people for the sake of humanity, And here all of them were my relatives.


Interesting that I mentioned in my post your situation with your mother, but before reading this post. And then, boom you wrote about that. But yeah I am aware of this problem and it is tough what you feel. It is too much for a young adult like you to go through this situation.


I am not an emotional type of person but whenever I remember the incident tears come automatically in my eyes. My mother was in a condition of life and death and I was totally helpless. I wasn't aware of the situation of the hospital as it was the first time. I was nervous. I think somehow I dealt with the situation because of a robotic kind of mentality I had. I think it's hard to forget the moments I encountered in the hospital.


Tough situations reveal the real people who support you. It's when we see who truly cares. Sorry to hear about your experience but it also made you tougher mentally. Hope your mother's health is okay now.


I was like a robot from my earlier age and I used to care less about the others. With time I was trying to come out from the mentality and to be social. That one incident made me realize that we are nobody and nobody cares about us except a few people. I think I started to care less about those people after that incident and I tried to restrain my father to help them for the second time. But it seems my father couldn't be rude like me.
My mother's health is well and good now and it was the incident of 2 years ago approximately. I can never forget the pain and I won't forgive those people in my lifetime also.


I can relate so well because I've once seen a loved one bedridden. People most times are not who we think they are. Having too many people doesn't guarantee you are loved. It's so nice your mum was able to pull through. I hope she's doing well now.


It was indeed a worst situation for me but fortunately my mom recovered from the situation. And yes, she is fine now.


Yay! 🤗
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It's during our difficult moments that we get to know who truly is our friend. Some people only recognise us when things are rosy but would never care to share with our bad moments. Difficult moments are the time we need that support from friends and family, unfortunately not everyone cares. Now you know and learnt your lessons from the experience.
Send my warmest regards to your mum🧡


Still I feel sad whenever I think about the incident. It was a life and death situation and all those things happened which was hard to accept. Whatever I realized the hard truth of life.


What a coincidence!
My mom was also in the hospital during the pandemic so trust me when I say I understand all that you went through
It was really a difficult time
I’m happy you could come out of the whole situation sane.



Indeed I came out from the situation but I won't forget the refusal of people of close people.
