They need to be prepared for facing the real world

Life is not a bed of roses, and we need to struggle for most of the things to achieve in life. Struggling in life is compulsory for everyone, and nobody can avoid it. On the other hand, parents are the blessings for children, and they always try to reduce the pressure on their children.

It's the responsibility of parents to take care of their children properly and provide them a suitable lifestyle. I know that everything requires money, and that is the reason parents want to earn a lot of money to ensure the future of their children. Financial support is such a support that can reduce a lot of pressure on a child because money has the ability.

If I have a lot of money, then I can do many things to make the lives of my children like heaven. I can provide most of the comfort they want, which can be struggling for other children. But do you think I am going to do it if i have the capacity as a father? Guess a little bit.

Right now I belong from a middle-class family, and naturally, I also struggled a lot to reach the current position, and I am sure in the future I will need to struggle more to make my position better. Struggling makes me better, and it makes me stronger. Sometimes I succeed, and sometimes I become a failure. Success gives me confidence, and failure gives me the life lesson. Struggling more and more makes me more mature and experienced, and perhaps it's the same for all.

I don't know if you have noticed or not that those people who grow up by struggling in life are better than those rich kids. The struggling period makes them mature and better from each perspective. They know that they need to be capable to achieving something in their life; otherwise, it's impossible. So they always have the spirit to move forward and do something better. If my kids receive all the comfort since childhood, it will make them lazy, and they will lose their spirit to do better in life. They will be dependent on my wealth, and I am sure no parent wants it.

I have my own desires to fulfill, and to be honest, I don't think I am going to use all of my assets to make the lives of my children like heaven. I must make my kids realize the reality and how tough life can be without money. I won't choose to spoil my children by giving them so many facilities. I think my children need to be prepared for facing the real life world, and it's very necessary for them. So that they can understand their responsibility also. At the same time, I will ensure that it will not be a burden for them because if it becomes a burden, then the results can be the opposite. I will be there for my kids when they need my support.


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It’s the bitter truth, we have to let our children know that life is not always easy, hard times come and they hit really hard sometimes but like you said, as a parent we have the responsibility of providing all the basic needs of our children and we are not to be a burden to them.


I completely agree with you that children who grow up facing challenges often turn out to be more responsible and capable than those who have everything handed to them. Everything is all about balance just like over pampering is bad same way excessive pressure. It's all about support without making them dependent on that already existing wealth.


We can all come at this from different angles. Challenges are what make us, and it also affects us in different ways. Which then influences how we raise our kids. In the end, we all want the same thing; our kids to grow up to be independent and perfectly capable of taking care of themselves.
