Justice should be established

Every human wants to live a peaceful and happy life. Naturally, everyone should try to stay away from any kind of trouble, but in real life, we almost see the opposite. What is the reason behind it? The greed and selfishness of many people. The desire to get more and achieve more makes humans cross their limits many times, and that creates chaos and crimes. And to seek justice, we need to go to court to file a lawsuit.

In my country, the system of justice is very slow. After making a lawsuit, it takes at least several years to come to a conclusion or result. In fact, some of the cases have been in process for decades with no results yet. That is the reason very few people want to go for a lawsuit unless they don't have any alternative ways. A lawsuit was mostly made in my country for murder, illegal activities, political issues, corruption, money issues, and land-related issues. Land and money-related issues are the most common things to sue in the case of general people. In such matters, manipulation may occur, but not so frequently. Political and crime-related issues are always manipulative.

My family is a decent one, and no one in my family wants to go to court. In fact, until now, none of us needed to do that. My parents and siblings all try to avoid conflict. It doesn't matter what the issues are. So there, we never filed a lawsuit until now, as we didn't need it. I wish not to go for it anytime in my life because I hate the system. But one of my uncles (father's brother) needed to go through the processing, and today I am sharing about it.

My uncle gave 9000$ to a relative, and in return, the relative promised to give a fixed interest rate until he returned the seed money. The relative gave a blank check to my uncle with a signature for trust, and my uncle gave him the money without other formal documents. That was my uncle's mistake. After one year, the relative said that he would return only 5000$. He wouldn't pay the seed money, let alone the interest. Who would accept such an unfair proposal? My uncle tried his best to make him understand that he should pay the full amount of money without interest, but the relative refused to accept it.

That relative thought that he could do anything that he wanted as there weren't any formal documents, but he forgot that he gave a blank check to my uncle. The relative crossed his limit, and my uncle decided not to give him punishment. In the blank check, my uncle just placed a value of 12000$, and using the check, he filed a lawsuit against the relatives. Moreover, there were some voice recordings as evidence.

After 2 years, the case was in the favor of my uncle. Unfortunately, my uncle died one year ago, and since then, his wife has continued the case. The relative is still paying money each month in court, and it will continue until the relative pays 12000$. That relative must pay it because he doesn't have any escape ways. That's the little experience I observed from the close, and I wish not to face any more issues like that anytime.

One question that may come to your mind is if my uncle did the right thing because he added an extra 3000$ to the check. From one perspective, it was not right, but from another perspective, my uncle has done the right thing. My uncle even told him to pay the money without any interest, and the relative decided not to give the full amount. He chose to betray, and he has taken action like an enemy. So my uncle just added a little bit more as his punishment. If I were in my uncle's place, I would place at least 20,000$ instead of 12,000 dollars because I have no mercy for those people who want to play games with my money. I must be very cruel to them, and I think there is nothing wrong with it as he starts to play the destruction game. He started it, and he must suffer for it. I know I have a kind heart, but that is not my weakness, and that kind of person doesn't deserve my sympathy.


If you think that I violated any rules of this platform or my word hurting you or I made any mistakes here , let me inform about it through comments or my other social network . I will try to correct it if I make any mistakes.

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Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Giving loan is easy, but when you ask to repay, you become their enemy. so it's my suggestion to never give loan to any one. Your uncle did right.


Hmm. I think people started to think that it's their money and don't think to repay. That's the reason sometimes people feel afraid to give loans to someone even if it's emergency 🤔.


This is one reason some people don't like lending money, whether family or not, because somehow people will always find a way to make you regret it. What the relative did is just terrible. But then, people are terrible. So, it's not all that surprising.


Because of it even in the emergency situation, people feel afraid to give money to others. You are right that people are terrible and there is nothing to surprise but still it hurts a lot when someone receive betrayal from close people.


Of course we all want to live a simple and good life but it is a fact that there are difficulties and problems in life from which we learn patience which is very important for our future life.


Indeed, difficulties are the part of life and we need to handle it with patience. It reduce a lot of difficulties in life.


Some people think they are smart trying to play game on money. If not for the blank cheque that served as an evidence, your uncle wouldn't have gotten fair justice and that relative would have denied it. So sad, your uncle died but he fought to get his money back. Humans are just cruel, they think they can outsmart the other person, though some go away with it, but others aren't always lucky just like that relative.


I don't know why people always choose to betray after taking money. For that reason sometimes I feel paperwork should be done if any transaction is done even in the family. Fortunately, that relative gave a check otherwise it was hard to get justice.


In todays world juatice is not too much common. Thata a great message and post keep it up....


I agree with you considering my country's situation but I feel in the rich country they do justice without any kind of manipulation. I just feel it but I don't know exactly.


I dont know but in todays world justice is only for rich people . Poor are not able to get juctice and it is really ashamed for us....
