Weekend-Engagement - Week 155 || Would you rather... Be able to pause your life, or rewind it?



Hello Friends!!! It feels great to be part of this weekend engagement topics @galenkp suggested.So many options available and looking good to write on. In the comment section of his post, I even said I was going with **Good bad** but thinking about it very well, I changed my mind and chose this topic.

I would rather rewind my life...

Life has been a tussle. In my teenage age, I had anticipated to live a great life. But the life I live today is not the one I would love to. It's been a struggle getting so many things done for myself. I have made some mistakes and taken some bad decisions that are negatively affecting me at the moment. I need to tell a story so you would understand.

My Mom, My Sister and I during my graduation from Uni

In my early years in college, I was so good in Business Studies. I wanted to become a banker but I couldn't because of what my Mom told me they do retrench bankers at any point of their job. I couldn't think beyond been a Banker if I had to be a commercial student even though I knew I would have been very good in those subjects. So when I was to go to senior college classes, I chose to be in science class since I was good in all the subjects. Now being a science student, I had made up my mind that I was going to study Medicine and Surgery and become a Medical Doctor. My parent wanted that for me also because Medical Doctors are well respected in the society and its a lucrative job. I finished Senior Secondary school with this mind. When I started applying to study the course I wanted, it became very difficult because my score in the external exams I wrote was below cut off. Just in my second year of writing external exams, I felt I should study a different course. My parents did not agree with me but I convinced them and studied Health Education. If I had been a little patient, I could have studied my preferred course. I should have found a means to study Medicine and Surgery.

My Mum and I during my graduation

If I am given a chance to either pause my life or rewind it, I surely will rewind it and go for commercial class, and become a Banker or any better profession in the field or stay in my science class and insist on my preferred course, write external exams until I am able to meet the cut off for it.

Also, I started cryptocurrency trading as far back as 2020. I didn't have money, so my brother borrowed me some money to start even though I had a little. That year was a year Bitcoin and other altcoins started to pick up after the 2019 dump/dip that was experienced in the cryptocurrency market. I didn't do any research about digital assets. I started trading on the basis of the profit I made when price went down and came up. I traded like that making profits and losing some until 2021 when BTC hit 69.9K. By that time, all other altcoins have reached a height they had never reached. It was late 2021 I learnt about Bitcoin Halving. I understood that Bitcoin Halving takes place, the Price of Bitcoin will reach all time high, tripling it's previous highest price. I learnt that the last time Halving took place was 2020. I could have just invested and watch the market until 2021 and made a profit that would have settled me financially for life.
If I got a chance, I would love to rewind my life to that time in 2021 when I started trading and correct my mistakes ignorance cost me.

Those were just the most pronounced areas I made bad choices and decisions. Going back to correct this errors can put my life straight again. So if I was given a chance, I would go back.

Thanks for reading this post. I hope that I'm favoured out of the many entries.
Stay blessed, happy and safe until next weekend when we write similar topics again.

Thank you @galenkp for this opportunity.


I understand you perfectly regarding the career to study. Many times it is preferable to go by what that little inner voice full of wisdom that we all have says.


Thank you for your support. I only don't want to think of my mistakes else, I will be frustrated


I would have gone for Marine Biology instead of civil engineering too!

Love your thoughts on this @infynytymining! Even though people say we shouldnt regret anything in life, there are still those bits and pieces that we wish we could have done or stick with our original plans. And here we are now, we now have to accept the past and move forward. However, its never too late to follow that dream of yours to study commercial classes or all about the crypto trading. There are now so many resources here on Hive which you can check on.


Yes you are very right. One just have to look forward and make use of the opportunities presented each time on the way. My country Nigeria discourages me to want to pursue those dreams. I just make do with what I have now.

Thanks for dropping by.
What country are you from?


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