Strongest Champion in Set 3.5! TFT
Hello gamers, I hope you're all reading this right now having just closed your favorite game. Today I'm going to share with you one of my favorite games from Set 3.5 on TFT and I'm going to share with you the strongest champion from that set.
You can watch my gameplay here:
The universe of this game is the Anvil of Relics. Doesn't look like much of a universe, does it? Not really anyway haha we will choose only 1 relic item and hope to be lucky.
Before playing this game, I played many games and saw how powerful Master Yi is. If I could play ranked games in this set right now, I could finish top 4 in all games just by playing Master Yi. Again, I made a choice for that composition, You Have My Bow augment gains a Recurve Bow and gives your units 12% attack speed.
The early game went well for me, even though I didn't get to pick anything I wanted from the Relic Anvil. I won 3 out of 5 fights and didn't lose too badly, I just need champions for my composition and that's it
Blistering Strikes is not normally my favorite augment but people find it quite powerful. Your champions' attacks deal enough damage to burn 5% of their health for 5 seconds. It also reduces their healing effect by 33%. It seems like a useful augment against celestial compositions.
Even though I lost the last fight, the mid-game was not bad for me. Again, I won 3 fights and lost 2. Since this mode is entertainment mode, people troll the games a lot. No one is interested in holding gold and going to level 9 and doing fun things, everyone plays at level 5-6 spending all their gold, which makes the game experience worse.
Heroic Grab Bag is not something I would normally go for, but since the star of this composition is Master Yi alone, making him 3 stars is very important to me. The two small champion multipliers that this augment provides will help me a lot in this regard.
You can play the composition in 2 different ways. 6 Blademaster or 6 Rebel, but I recommend the Blademaster version. This way, Master Yi will be the terror of your opponents by constantly hitting straight. Moreover, he deals real damage after using his ability.
Look that 2 star Master Yi's damage, it's insane. The best items for Master Yi are Quicksilver, Quinsoo's Rageblade and Bloodthirster. I've seen people prefer Titan's Resolve over Bloodthirster in my online research, so you can do the same if you want. The most vital item is definitely Quicksilver because this set has a lot of crowd control effects. Your most important champion can die without being able to move in an absurd way.
So incublus, if this composition can beat everything, what's the downside? The downside is that it's too popular and played by everyone. You don't even need to think much about the composition, you make Master Yi 3 stars, put a few Blademasters, a few Rebel champions and Master Yi carries you. And since everyone thinks the same thing, you may not find it even if there is a lot of it in the pool. So pay attention to other players.
I even managed to beat my opponent who was 1st in the game very easily. It looked like it was going to be an easy first place for me.
I didn't have a hard time against this opponent who combined the Mech and Darius composition because Master Yi was easily destroying them all.
But then a problem arose. We ended up in the last two with the Celestial - protector composition. Even though I had just beaten him, I didn't even come close to beating him this time. I can say that he destroyed me.
I told you before how important the lineup is in this game, and with the right lineup I beat him very easily, but it wasn't enough. I need to beat him at least 3 more times lol.
I managed to beat him twice but the last time he understood my tactic and changed his formation against me. Even though I tried to do something at the last moment, I couldn't beat him. Even though Master Yi is the strongest champion of this set, the strongest composition is still the Celestial Protector composition unfortunately XD
Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed it. You can share your comments about the composition below. I will be happy to answer your questions. Take care and have a game-filled day!
I don't like games. But I play such games in my spare time. I enjoyed watching this game. I would definitely like to play it once
I hope you can do, you can play this game on mobile and PC. It doesn't have mesmerizing graphics so you can try it on most of the phones.
Interesting composition mate, the blademasters composition is really good when you mix it with this hero, I will try it and be also popular for using it because it is so powerful hahaha.
Yeah man please try it and let me know! That composition and champ is very strong!
Very good battle of strategy and dynamism friend! I wouldn't play it but it's really very entertaining to read your posts and get into the game in a narrative way.