Museums, Happiness, Help - My Favorite 3 Posts | Müzeler, Mutluluk Yardım - Favori 3 Postum [EN-TR]


Hello Hive people, I hope you are all having a good day. @livinguktaiwan has recently created this community and things seem to be going well. Right after he created the community, he started a challenge. Share your 3 favorite posts and why they are your favorite. Let's take a look at mine!

By the way, this challenge has been a good time machine for me. For the past 2 years, I've gone through all the posts I've written on Hive that I think are special to me and I had some emotional moments. I witnessed once again how fast time flies.

Happiest Day of My Life!

This post might be the most special post I have ever shared on Hive. It was the happiest moment of my life and of course I wanted my friends on Hive to know about it. Many people congratulated us. When I read the post again, I felt as if we were putting a ring on our finger again, I experienced that excitement again. It's great that we took so many photos that day, because you want to immortalize the happiest moment. Looking back, we also had some problems, I was very tired on the trip and when I first got home I couldn't put my pants on and I was wearing shorts. I was very embarrassed and I changed as soon as I could.

One of the things that I didn't mention in that post but that I was sad about was that I had really very little time with my girlfriend. We didn't even get a couple of hours alone. We were there for a couple of days and we didn't have any time, but it was sad for me because it was the last time I saw her face to face and we haven't seen each other yet. I miss her so much.

Best Museum I've Ever Visited - Adana Archeology Museum

This is the longest post I have ever written and the most voted post on Hive. The day I visited this museum I was really mesmerized, it was the most beautiful museum I have ever visited and it was huge. I tried to describe everything inside but I couldn't fit it in one post and I was so sad. Also, I was new to Hive at the time and I was so happy when my post got so many votes haha.

Another thing is my adventure of writing this post. When I was writing this post, there was no internet in my house because my neighbor had changed the password of the internet in a ridiculous way, and everything was fine and I had done a lot for them. So I tried to write this post using my mobile data, but it was not working very well. It was taking too long to upload a photo. So I wrote this post in 2 or 3 days and I remember that my back hurt a lot while I was writing it. In fact, that was the biggest reason why I was upset that I couldn't share it in one go. I had put a lot of work into it, but I had to split it in two because of the limit on Hive.

One more thing! I thought this post was too long and no one would read to the end. That's why I said in the last paragraph that if you read this post to the end, write "Hivecubus" in the comments and I will vote your comment 100%. Sadly, only one person wrote Hivecubus in the comments that day haha.

We Need Your Help for the Earthquake in Turkey


Lastly, and the post that affected me the most emotionally was this post I shared last year after the earthquake in Turkey. Aside from the votes my post received, I was so touched by the support people gave me and my country in the comments that I remember crying while reading the comments that day. It was also a day when I saw how great the unity power of Hive was. Even though none of the people there had ever seen me in real life, they all tried to support me. Everyone did what they could. Some people even voted on my comments, which I used for the same purpose.

I also saw how much trust I had built on Hive, because people could have thought I was a scammer because it happens so often, but everyone trusted me and I didn't let them down. Hive is a huge platform and I'm grateful to everyone who supported me that day. I don't want to say anything deeper because I don't want to cry right now 🥺

Thank you for reading, I hope you liked my post. You can also identify your 3 favorites among the posts you have written so far and share why they are your favorites in this community. Don't forget to check the community rules before sharing. Take care and have a great day!


Selam Hive halkı, umarım hepiniz iyi bir gün geçiriyorsunuzdur. @livinguktaiwan yakın zamanda bu topluluğu oluşturdu ve işler iyi gidiyor gibi görünüyor. Topluluğu oluşturduktan hemen sonra da bir challenge başlattı. Favori 3 postunuzu ve onların neden favoriniz olduğunu paylaşın. Hadi benimkilere bir göz atalım!

Bu arada bu challenge benim için iyi bir zaman makinesi görevi gördü. 2 yıldır Hive'da yazdığım ve benim için özel olduğunu düşündüğüm bütün postlara bir göz attım ve bazı duygusal anlar yaşadım. Zaman ne kadar hızlı akıyor bir kere daha şahit oldum.

Hayatımın En Mutlu Günü!

Bu post benim Hive'da paylaştığım en özel post olabilir. Hayatımda en mutlu olduğum andı ve tabi ki Hive'daki arkadaşlarımın da bundan haberdar olmasını istedim. Birçok insan bizi tebrik etti. Postu tekrar okuduğumda sanki tekrar parmağımıza yüzük takılıyormuş gibi hissettim, o heyecanı tekrar yaşadım. O gün çok fazla fotoğraf çekmiş olmamız harika, çünkü en mutlu anını insan ölümsüzleştirmek istiyor. Dönüp baktığımda bazı problemler de yaşadık, yolculukta çok yıprandım ve eve ilk girdiğimde pantolonumu giyememiştim ve üzerimde şort vardı. Çok utanmıştım ve ilk fırsatta üzerimi değiştirmiştim.

O postta bahsetmediğim ama üzüldüğüm şeylerden biri de kız arkadaşımla gerçekten çok az zaman geçirebilmiş olmamızdı. Birkaç saat bile baş başa zaman geçirememiştik. Gerçi zaten orada birkaç gün kaldık ve hiç zamanımız olmadı ama bu benim için üzücüydü çünkü o onunla yüz yüze görüştüğüm son andı ve henüz görüşemedik. Onu çok özlüyorum.

Gezdiğim En İyi Müze - Adana Arkeoloji Müzesi

Bu post benim yazdığım en uzun post ve Hive'da en çok oylanan postum. Bu müzeyi gezdiğim gün gerçekten büyülenmiştim, benim o zamana kadar gezdiğim en güzel müzeydi ve devasaydı. İçerideki her şeyi anlatmaya çalıştım ancak tek bir posta sığdıramamıştım ve çok üzülmüştüm. Ayrıca o zamanlar Hive'da yeni sayılırdım ve postum bu kadar çok oylandığında çok sevinmiştim haha.

Bir diğer şey de bu postu yazma serüvenim. Bu postu yazarken evimde internet yoktu çünkü komşum saçma bir şekilde internetin şifresini değiştirmişti üstelik her şey yolundaydı ve ben onlar için çok şey yapmıştım. Ben de bu postu mobil verimi kullanarak yazmaya çalıştım ama o da çok iyi çekmiyordu. Bir fotoğrafı yüklemem bile çok uzun sürüyordu. Dolayısıyla bu postu 2 ya da 3 günde yazmıştım ve yazarken sırtımın çok ağrıdığını hatırlıyorum. Hatta tek seferde paylaşamadığım için üzülmemin en büyük sebebi de buydu. Çok emek vermiştim ama Hive'daki sınır yüzünden postumu ikiye bölmek zorunda kalmıştım.

Bir şey daha! Bu postun çok uzun olduğunu ve kimsenin sonuna kadar okumayacağını düşünmüştüm. Bu yüzden son paragrafa eğer bu postu sonuna kadar okuduysanız yorumlara "Hivecubus" yazın ve yorumunuzu %100 oylayacağım demiştim. Ne acı ki o gün sadece bir kişi yorumlara Hivecubus yazmıştı haha.

Türkiye'de Yaşanan Deprem İçin Yardımlarınıza İhtiyacımız Var


Son olarak ve beni duygusal olarak en çok etkileyen post ise geçen yıl Türkiye'de olan depremden sonra paylaştığım bu posttu. Postumun aldığı oy bir yana insanların yorumlarda bana ve ülkeme verdiği destek beni o kadar duygulandırmıştı ki, o gün yorumları okurken ağladığımı hatırlıyorum. Bu aynı zamanda Hive'ın birlik gücünün ne kadar büyük olduğunu gördüğüm bir gündü. Oradaki hiçbir insan gerçek hayatta beni görmemiş olmasına rağmen hepsi bana destek olmaya çalıştı. Herkes elinden geleni yaptı. Bazı insanlar yorumlarımı bile oyladı ki onları da aynı amaç için kullandım.

Ayrıca Hive'da ne kadar büyük bir güven inşa ettiğimi gördüm. Çünkü insanlar benim bir dolandırıcı olduğumu düşünebilirdi çünkü bu olaylar çok sık gerçekleşiyor ancak herkes bana güvendi ve ben de onların güvenini boşa çıkarmadım. Hive çok büyük bir platform ve o gün bana destek olan herkese minnettarım. Şu an ağlamak istemediğim için daha derin şeyler söylemek istemiyorum 🥺

Okuduğunuz için teşekkür ederim, umarım postumu beğenmişsinizdir. Siz de bugüne kadar yazdığınız postlar arasında favoriniz olan 3 taneyi belirleyip onların neden favoriniz olduğunu bu toplulukta paylaşabilirsiniz. Paylaşmadan önce topluluk kurallarını kontrol etmeyi unutmayın. Kendinize iyi bakın ve harika bir gün geçirin!


Hello brother! Good to see you have joined this community, I think the idea is great and I imagine more fun challenges will come in the future. I'm surprised that none of your three posts are about games, but at the same time it's nice to see what's most meaningful to you.

That post of the happiest day of your life is wonderful, despite what you say about your pants, I think that moment is unforgettable for you. As you know, I loved that cat in the pictures with you hahahaha. And the third post was devastating, I'm sorry you had to live an experience like that, life really always surprises us both in the good and the painful. One detail, there is no link to your second post, so I was left wanting to see your longer post on Hive and how awesome the museum must be. I'll let you know this in case you need to edit it.

I'm sure like others you spent a long time doing this review for all your posts hahaha, at least you have less time than me who started in January 2018 😵‍💫


I chose these posts based on what they meant to me and these were the most meaningful ones. Maybe if I played a game with my girlfriend or wrote a post about a contest, I could have included one of them here, but for now, these are my choices.

Thanks for the warning, I added the link right away.

If I had joined the platform in 2018, it would definitely be harder to choose 3 posts haha. Good luck man!


What?? You haven't seen your fiancee for 7 months? When do you next plan to see her? Please don't tell me on your wedding day!!

I remember reading your engagement post, it was so sweet and I'm so pleased you included in your three favourite three. Top one as well, no doubt? 🙂

As mentioned by @jesuslnrs already, you forgot the link for your second post. It's not mandatory, but nice for people to read if they want.

Thanks for joining the challenge


I plan to see her a few more times before I get married. Just kidding. We can't see each other for reasons neither of us can help haha.

Yes, that was my favorite post!

I added the link.

You're welcome, it was my pleasure to participate in this challenge and thank you for giving me this opportunity!


Replied you for the first one (sorry for being late as I wasn't born at that time in the hive world).

Man that second one was so long that even my mobile phone got slow🤣😭. But still I somehow managed to reach the end.

Yeah I noticed that, hive people really got your back in the tough situations. I never had expected such a wonderful response. But as it is said

Time passes, even if it is good or bad

So the time passed and hopefully everything is good now.


Yes, time has passed and now we can say that everything is good. At least not bad.

I'm glad you read my post man, I hope you liked it :D


The turnaround was EPIC! Yoooooo inclubus im inspired by your quick and decisive action that helped saved and spread awareness of the earthquake that day.

Although this is a blog, it had more journalistic spirit than any modern news outlet. But the best part is that time i joined your eccency voice call in discord. It was fun to chat around.

Kewk staying up until 2am is GRRRRRRRR


We'd love to have you with us whenever you're free man, you know the time, day and place.

At the time of the earthquake, I acted as I felt, and I got more support than I expected, but that's a good thing. After all, together we made sure that hot soup was sent to a lot of people that day.
