8 Star Guardian Urgot ft 3 Star Neeko & Garen! TFT - League of Legends
Hello all, it's only a few days until the new set arrives on TFT and I can't wait to try it out. But before that, there was one last thing I had to try out in this set. At the end of every set, they add something to the game to make it fun, and in this set they added Urgot the Star Guardian. It sounded too broken. Let's see it together!
You can watch the gameplay here without commentary:
From the moment I started the game, I had only one thing on my mind and that was Urgot the Star Guardian! That's why I chose one of the champion augments, the Star Guardian one. Rell becomes an incredible tank with this augment, which will allow me to quickly get to level 8 or even 9.
I had a pretty good early game, I would even say it was perfect if I hadn't lost the last battle. Going into the 2nd-7th round with a 5 win or lose streak changes your economy a lot. One of the reasons why I did so well in the early game is that Lulu is a really good early game carry. You can give your ability power items without hesitation.
I have a great option for the second augment. Star Guardian Heart will allow me to easily activate 8 star guardian buffs. For those who don't know, star guardians gain extra mana. When you cast 8 Star Guardians, your champions gain 3 times the normal mana. A Syndra with Shojin can spam skill nonstop.
I had a good mid-game because I found an early Ekko which allowed me to activate the 6 Star Guard. Now my champions are spamming skills like crazy. Did it surprise you who did the most damage? My reliable tank Rell!
I was also lucky to have a mana-related choice in the last augment pick. Axiom Arc II allows you to regenerate 30 mana when you slay a champion. My champions will regenerate 60 mana thanks to the 6 star guardians.
I found 1 Syndra and activated the 8 Star Guard buff! Look at the damage! Now all my champions are carries XD They all do great damage. Of course, what I really want to do here is to see Urgot the Star Guardian.
I destroyed the Yasuo composition that ended my winning streak earlier, which was very strong a few patches ago but not anymore. By the way, let me explain which champions you use as carries in this composition. You can use Neeko and Kai'Sa as ability power carries. You can also give AD items to Kai'Sa and it will work either way. As a tank, Rell, Ekko, Nilah would be a good option. Use whoever you want.
Neeko, who is only 1 star, destroys everyone. If you open and watch the 24th minute of the video, you will see how many and fast skills he uses. Syndra also throws 3 champions inside in 15 seconds. Very hard to reach but a really powerful composition.
I have to say I suffered reaching level 9. She almost killed me in a few battles because my opponents got too strong. Luckily I reached level 9. I made my champions 2 stars and managed to find 1 Urgot. He brought 4 chests in his first battle. Not bad, huh?
Normally my goal was to make a 3 star Syndra or Urgot, but if I lost one more battle I would die and I didn't want to take the risk. I used the Trick Dice for Garen and managed to make him 3 stars. By the way, for those who don't know, Urgot's chests can now bring champions he kills. For example, the previous round brought a 10 gold champion. So he earned 10 gold. Is it really good, I think not, but I would like to know what you think.
I also managed to make Neeko 3 stars just before the last battle. I wish I could have played a few more rounds, I'm sure I would have made Syndra 3 stars too, but I didn't have enough life to lose on purpose. My opponent also had only 1 HP. So the winner would be decided this round.
I hope you didn't think I would lose with these champions haha. I destroyed him. 3 star Neeko's damage aside, 3 star Garen stuns his opponents for 8 seconds. So by the time the opponent team opens their eyes, the battle is already over XD
Thoughts About Composition
I think this champion is very strong. As soon as you have a good early game and you have an augment on Star Guardian, you can't lose the game. 8 Star Guardian is the most broken composition I've ever played. It's almost unbeatable. But if your opponent makes a legendary champion 3 stars, you lose. And thanks to Urgot you get a lot of gold every turn. This allows you to make your champions 3 stars.
Thank you very much for reading. I hope you enjoyed it. This was probably the last game of this set. The new set will be with us next Wednesday. See you on that day in a new TFT game. Take care of yourselves!
Very interesting how TFT is constantly updating, I remember that it was very criticized in its release in the Riot community, they accused the developers of wasting time with a chess game instead of finishing the reworks in League of Legends, and today we can see that the game is quite interesting even counting with competitions, this attack spamming wave with Syndra was interesting, and it seems that Yasuo can be bad in any varied game of League of Legends h
Glad you liked it mate. TFT and League of Legends should be updated constatly because there should be balance about champions and compositions.
Watching you play LoL after a long break it seems.
Wait, did I see a dead unicorn in the play who was circling a character?
Hahah yeah these are little legends in game 😂
wahaha star guardian urgot.
I haven't seen TFT content for a long time, I see a lot changed there. I played a lot of tft like a year ago and I really enjoyed that. Its definitely one of the best games to chill, but the thing is if you make a break like me its hard to get back, because you have to learn the new set, analyze the new meta etc
Man, you are so right about that. You need to play constantly or you can't reach a high rank. Maybe you can start with set 9 :P
I've never tried TFT, I thought this post was about moba at first, this game seems interesting.
I shared a guide before, you can check it if you want to start
Sure, I'll look into it. : )