6 Piltover! Strong or Not?! TFT - League of Legends


Hello to all of you! Every time I want to go back to Hive full-time, something happens. 2 days ago I had a terrible nausea and couldn't sleep through the night. Luckily I'm fine now and we'll talk about this health issue later. Let's keep playing TFT!


You can watch the video below without commentary:

The universe of this game is Jayce's workshop. The special feature is that all augments in the game will be prismatic. It actually increases people's potential a lot because you can see the most absurd things in prismatic lobbies, but sometimes the midgame can be a nightmare because everyone plays so aggressively. We'll see what happens.

Everybody is talking about how strong the Piltover composition is and every streamer I've seen wants to play it. So I can try it too, right? I hope it will be as strong as I expect it to be. Thanks to this augment, I can be 6 Piltover as soon as I find Heimerdinger.

The early game was not bad for me at all. Actually, when you play this composition you want to have a losing streak in the early game, but I barely even activated the 3 Piltover buff so it doesn't matter. I have to say that this was very unlucky. Anyway, I hope luck will be with me for the rest of the game.

The 2nd augment choice was also successful for me. Jeweled Lotus augment is quite powerful. It allows my units' abilities to critically hit and gains a 45% chance to critically hit. It will be very useful in the late game when my T-Hex gets stronger.

As I said, lobbies with prismatic augments are always harder to play in. I faced a level 6 player with 50 gold and he has Lux 2 stars, Swain 2 stars, Vel'Koz 2 stars and Jarvan! Man, there are players who would give anything to make it to the endgame!

For the last augment I chose the banner of 2 Zeke, so he can hit my carrier Zeri much faster and win me the game. We'll see if this tactic works. I didn't talk too much about the composition because I don't really know where it will go either. I will tell you what I chose and why after I have built the composition.

I managed to activate the 6 Piltover buff, which gives you extra rewards every turn. I thought these were real rewards but it only gave me 3 gold. Unfortunately 3 gold can't change the situation I am in now. We will see if it is worth it.

4 stars Teemo composition is really annoying. His damage is incredibly high. Fortunately it has been nerfed and I don't see it much anymore, but you might want to try it anyway.

After level 8 and finding a Zeri, I strengthened my composition a bit. 6 Piltovers, 3 Gunners, 3 Zauns, 2 Freljords and 2 Brusiers. I hope I can make my champions 2 stars as well. Then I might actually have a chance to win the game.

Talking about the composition, since I played 6 Piltover, I didn't have many options to add to the composition. I chose to use Zeri and other gunners as carries and T-Hex also feeds as you lose and those charges are ready to use when you win. After reaching 30 charges, your T-Hex will start blowing dragon breath at your opponents. As you can see, it ranks second in the damage graph. The best items for Zeri are Guinsoo's Rageblade, Giant Slayer and Last Whisper. I didn't need Guinsoo's because I was using 3 Zeke's Heralds and Jayce's ability gives attack speed so it hits as fast as I want. You can give ability power items to Jayce or Heimerdinger. I'm sure Heimer can do a lot of damage too if he has items. Also, if you buy the self-healing buff for the turret you can use it as a tank. I didn't prefer it because I was low on gold.

Speaking of tanks, I preferred Sejuani as a tank. Having good tanks in the front lines gives your champions in the back the time they need to deal damage. Otherwise you need champions who can reach the backline. For example, my T-Hex destroyed the opponent's backline and I easily defeated my opponent with Baron Nashor. You should have seen how powerful this composition is in the game I shared with you before.

At the start of the last battle, I played against an Invoker composition that had made all his champions 3-stars. He had also made his 4 gold Shen 3-stars. You can already see what else he made 3 stars. Unlucky boy... He didn't 3-star Galio XD I lost this battle because his frontline was too tanky and I couldn't get to the champions in the backline to kill them. His Karma 3 stars melted my frontline very quickly. Also Soraka 3 stars didn't reduce the health of his champions. Anyway... He was too strong and I lost, that's the story in a nutshell.

It seems very hard to win a game in the last patch of TFT. Every game many champions are made 3-stars and when you can't do it, you have a 1% chance of winning. Thank you very much for reading, don't forget to share your thoughts in the comments section. Have a nice day and take care yourselves!

Play More, Live More!


Man I haven't played TFT for a while, I'm really surprised with all the new stuff they added, it makes the game more complicated, I've noticed that now it doesn't work like before, now it's better to have several fighters with 3 stars than having a combination of specialties, because it's very difficult to create those good combinations like before.


Their aim was to reduce the luck factor of the game, but it's debatable whether they succeeded. As you said, having a good early game and making a level 7 or 8 champion 3 stars is the strongest strategy in the game right now.


That is what i was thinking as well. it's been so long since i pressed play in the game. so many things have changed. i think i need to play a few rounds of lol this summer 😁😁


wow, this looks great I used to play League of Legends on my mobile now I dont have that time to play. It is time-consuming and addictive too. you are good at gaming.

!giphy great



Thanks man, I do my best as always. TFT is a game that consume a lot time too but you can play fun modes and it takes like 15 mins. Let me know if you try it 😊


woah haven't ayed tft recently due to time schedule the update's good but I miss the old patched where Lucian was so op haha unlimited dash. Anyway you had a good set of combinations there


I forgot which set Lucian always uses E. It must have been a year ago haha. I hope you can get back in the game soon.


I'm glad you are feeling better brother, always try to get the rest you need, sleeping well is very important, I understand how hard it is to go through those sleepless nights.

As for the game, I think you didn't win due to Zeri's recent Nerf, since you chose perfect augmentations in my opinion, just as you explain it. By the way, I hate Jayce's Workshop portal as prismatic augmentations usually make someone very strong, especially when carrying Draven legend.


Exactly man! I don't know why people love Jayce's Workshop. It makes everything harder. Zeri nerf made me lose, I definitely agree with that.

It was not about sleeping man, it was about my stomache. I'll write a post about it 👍
