RE: Skiing with Sylphs, the Elemental Spirits of the Air ❄️


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I think G1 is good right now while it's in it's early stages - good people are meeting each other through it - but it will go south the way everything does if they don't start making decisions in a horizontal manner - my friend is from France and she is part of the original group - and she is going to France in a few weeks - staying with a lot of G1 users ... HIVE is a CIA front according to Wikileaks which makes sense because of the Splinterlands game and how much $$ changes hands - that's why I quit talking about what we are all doing in our communities, on here - because i can't trust the HIVE platform - but I think G1 is still good right now... for meeting good people near you - I am happy for you that you are growing your own food - you should read books by the people who were in on the beginnings of Findhorn in Scotland - they got guidance from Nature Spirits to create Findhorn - the books are by R. Ogilvie Cromby and others - The Magic of Findhorn is one book that was very inspiring, These books are all available on and / or through - I hope in France they are available for you. I feel that those of us with great faith will be ok through all this - and talking to Nature will bring in great blessings...I was given direction to draw from Nature again and as soon as it gets warm out I will begin that process...


I had a quick look on wikileaks and couldn't find any reference to the hive blockchain. Only to the hive apache data warehouse system. Do you happen to have any direct links so i can see what you are talking about? Though even if it is true it makes little difference as all public websites are monitored and controlled to a certain extent with the same aim of collecting data on us.

Another awesome book! Have downloaded and it does indeed look like a great one which fits perfectly in line with the words of Anastasia who has of late been guiding me in relation to how our future will look. This article about kin's domains you may find interesting:

Thank you as always for your wisdom and i look forward to any pearls you may feel like sharing after drawing from Nature with the warm sun on your body ☀️
