⭐️ Rising Star Giveaway - Musical Instruments - Day 7 - [10000 STARBITS ] (Ends 23 December midnight EST. (UTC - 05:00 hrs)). + game stats and progress...

Hello and welcome to all the readers.

Continuing with exploring musical instruments. Today, we pick Accordion.

In this round, you could win 10000 starbits. You just need to answer the question of the day.
Please read the rules before commenting to avoid disqualification. Winner will be drawn on 24th December 2023.

Please note, the end dates of the posts may overlap, this is just to ensure that more hivers can participate.

Question of the day: [winner gets 10000 Starbits]

Accordions (from 19th-century German Akkordeon, from Akkord—"musical chord, concord of sounds") are a family of box-shaped musical instruments of the bellows-driven free reed aerophone type (producing sound as air flows past a reed in a frame). The essential characteristic of the accordion is to combine in one instrument a melody section, also called the diskant, usually on the right-hand keyboard, with an accompaniment or Basso continuo functionality on the left-hand. The musician normally plays the melody on buttons or keys on the right-hand side (referred to as the keyboard or sometimes the manual), and the accompaniment on bass or pre-set chord buttons on the left-hand side. A person who plays the accordion is called an accordionist.

The accordion belongs to the free-reed aerophone family. Other instruments in this family include the concertina, harmonica, and bandoneon. The concertina and bandoneon do not have the melody–accompaniment duality.

You can read more about on wikipedia website.

So my question is?

Name one or more artist / musician who plays a Accordion?

Hint: Google/yahoo/bing it

Interesting videos:

History of the ACCORDION

Tom Pixton - A Short History of the Accordion

Squeeze This! A Cultural History of the Accordion in America, by Marion Jacobson

All Video source: Youtube.com


  1. Comment below your answer with your risingstar name (if different).
  2. Any comments like 'count me in', 'i'm in' etc, without the answer to the question will be ignored.
  3. Upvote and re-post not necessary, but it helps.
  4. Share this post with your friends so that they can also participate. [spread the word]
  5. The giveaway will end on 23/12/23 midnight EST. (UTC - 05:00 hrs)

Good Luck to everyone.

My game progress and stats:

First, i did my millionaire mission and then opened 2 card packs.

Card Pack 1:


R431 KEH 01 - 50 luck [rare]
i191 Paper Comb - 1 luck
i190 RAT Electro Apple - 1 luck

A decent card pack. 3 duplicate card added to the collection.

Card Pack 2:


i186 NV 61x - 1 luck
154 Brooks - 10 fans
R429 JJ51 Booster - 50 luck [rare]

A decent card pack. 3 duplicate card added to the collection.

New December Goals:

TaskGoalCurrent StatusBalance
Level1511502493 XP to next level
*Swap / Music Promoter/ hive-engine1000000100000
*Custom shop missions30219
Ego< 10%0%-
Ranking< 155208

Game Stats:


Skills 119949 - from cards, 291439 from lessons
Fans - 144489 from cards, temporary 328 minus 0 fans at a rave.
Luck - 35083
Cards - 3587

Ego from fans - 144817 (328 temporary drunk fans)
Ego from missions - 94640
Total - 239457

Starbits doing Millionaire missions - 10000

Players Ranking:


Thank you for reading my post.

Have a nice day.


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Failure is not the opposite of Success. It is part of Success.
--- William Ritter

Previous post - https://peakd.com/hive-195370/@imfarhad/rising-star-giveaway-musical-instruments-day-6

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Nicholas Ariondo & Henry Doktorski III

Count me in my ign : @rtonline
Good luck to you all.


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