My Soulmate: ❣️ Weekend Experience #week226

Over the years, I have been hearing the word soulmate, and different people give different meanings to it. People have argued that there is nothing like a soulmate and that it all depends on how we relate to each other. Well, I cannot dispute their assertion. Everyone has the right to think and choose their stand on the subject matter.

For me, I believe that we all have a soulmate. At first, we don't recognize them immediately, but as time goes on, we begin to see a clear connection between the two, and then there is unity and bond. A soulmate, to me, is simply that person we have a deep connection with. A person who understands you and sees beyond the physical.

A soulmate is a person that you can always trust to come through for you no matter the circumstance. Here, I'm not talking about financial assistance, but I am talking about when you are emotionally down and need a lifting. Just talking to that person brings great relief and nourishment to your soul. That one person who bears your burdens with you and helps you to pass through difficult times.


A soulmate does not judge you but accepts you the way you are and sees how to help you become a better version of yourself. That one person that won't throw you under the bus but will give you a hand when others are trying to pull you down. Yes, we all have a soulmate. We have that one person that we just look at, and they understand what you are trying to communicate. You have an idea about a particular thing, and to your greatest surprise, the person thinks in the same line.

For me, my soulmate is my husband. Since the day we started talking, the connection has been easy and unique. He had almost the same vision as me, and his view of life was unique, and everything just clicked from there. We have this telepathic connection where it always seems we are thinking of the same. One day, I picked up the phone and called my husband; I told him I felt like eating barbecue chicken. I was amazed when he told me he was already preparing barbecue chicken.


My husband understands me more than anyone else; he knows the words to say to me when I'm down, and immediately, there is this injection of energy I receive, and I am up and running. Sometimes, we make eye contact, and he immediately gets the message I am trying to communicate. I sit down and begin to imagine if he is a spirit. He would always give me a shoulder to lean on when the chips were down. It feels like there is this supernatural connection between us and I can say it's amazing. My soulmate looks out for me, and I hear him say words like, "I'm feeling weird. Are you okay?" at that moment, I might have been bothered about something, and I just lay it all out.

My husband is my soulmate, and with him, my belief in soulmate has been made a reality.

Thank you for reading.

All pictures are mind.
