Life After Lockdown: Reflections on a Post-Pandemic World.
Hello everyone, good evening and welcome to my blog. Special thanks and appreciation goes to @hivenaija for this week's prompts.
I'll be writing about how my life has been since the pandemic came to an end and we the things I'll love to be brought back or observed again.
The pandemic , though a tough time was actually a cool period for me. Had enough to time to bond with my family. I knew alot about my family members that I didn't know before or I thought I had known all this while. And also, my relationship with God became better. I drew close to Him and I studied my Bible even more
What has been different after the four years?? Like i said it was a cool period because of the time I had to yo bond with family. Lost both parents few years after the pandemic and sure to say, the memories just kept me going. There's no more compulsive and compulsory use of nose masks at public places. The number of times I was returned at the bank eh......I can't even count. Even when I resumed school, it was so compulsory. Travels and exploration were restricted but now it's unrestricted, though there are still procedures to follow to be able to get through with your travel process.
Theres now a lot of social gatherings and occasions. It wasn't so four years ago. Social gatherings were mo longer allowed and if permission was granted to keep one, there was a limit to the lersons that would be in attendance. And now, I can talk to people without wearing a mask or distancing myself from a person. Ahhhhh..... it eas so terrible. Couldn't even hug my close friends and even family, especially those isolated. I can now shake their hands and hug them without hesitation.
Things I'll like to bring back that was normal then but no longer normal now.....hmmmmm. I think that would be shifts in travels and leisure activities to have one experience the local and virtual experiences and also create time for family. Some people that were rarely seen at home had the time to spend with family and now some have gone back to the normal routine of really being busy.
Secondly, it would be greater emphasis on one's health and wellness. Then during the pandemic, from my experience and the people around me, people really paid attention to their health, any signs or symptoms, everyone is on his / her way to run tests and do checkups . And the medical field fid a great job too to run and do health adverts and the rest to create an awareness ehy one should take his or health seriously. But right now, a lot of us even with the signs and symptoms hitting so hard we still decide to either become our doctors and take self medications or take advise from non-medical personnel's or stay till it becomes worse before deciding to drag ourselves to the hospital, which is not helping at all and people are loosing their lives in a daily.
Thank you for stopping by
Best wishes ❤️
I guess everyone quickly moved on from the fear of COVID. Trust Nigerians to forget easily…
That's the truth