Hello my people over here and happy weekend to you all all over the universe, I don come again with my ogbonge and it's another time for hiveghana weekly contest, and for this week I would love to go for the topics according to how they're listed. That means I'll be going for the first topic which says: Getting away
We all have what we love and enjoy doing, and our likeness differs from each other, am not a guy that flex much but in my little way I find time to chill and take proper care of my body.
I happen to work in a micro-finance bank and we all know the stress that follows that, every weekend especially Saturday(not all Saturdays actually) is mostly a working day for me, it's that day I mostly account to my superior and I make sure I collect all outstandings, I always wish I could just have a time to rest, I mean am a very busy person, infact sometimes I imagine if the stress is really worth it.
Literally the only day I have for myself is just Sunday and there's this joy that fils my heart when it's weekend, I always pray everyday should we Sunday because that's the only full day I have for myself.
Actually am a person that's always alone due to the nature of my work, I come home around after six in the evening and the only thing I do till night comes is cooking, from there I sleep off, but still I enjoy staying with my friends and family, like having them around me.
The only thing I find interesting and enjoyable is watching football with my folks, I derive joy from that.
I could remember a time when I traveled to my sister's place for holiday, I was all alone from morning till night after they leave for work, it was the most boring moments I ever experienced, I had light, data and all access to internet but still I was hit l with boredom, I didn't spend a week for an holiday am supposed to spend close to a month, that's the kind of person I am, I enjoy being with friends even if it's just chit-chatting.
There is certainly a thing I enjoy doing with my friends most which is watching football matches at the viewing centre, that's my best way of chilling. Normally on Saturdays and Sundays I could stay all day in the viewing centre to watch all match while hosting with friends and bantering each other, I really enjoy doing that alot.
Like I have said earlier, I am the type the flex alot, but I enjoy spending moment with friends more
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I think all boys enjoy being at the football watching center
They forget their real life issues throughout the game. I think it’s their own form therapy 😂